CGL Posters

A Modern Tool For Teaching Projective Geometric Algebra
AGACSE, 2024
Triangular Trigonometric Patches for Surface Interpolant
SIAM Geometric Design, 2019
Parametric Interpolation Scheme Based on Boundary Blending
Graphics Interface, 2019
Best Poster Award

Why magic works? Attentional Blink with Moving Stimuli
SAP, 2015

Occlusion Aware Digital Colouring for Comics
SAP, 2014

Modelling Perceptually Efficient Aquatic Environments
SAP 2013

A Study of Two Implicit Data Interpolation Schemes
Graphics Interface, 2013

Pixelating Vector Line Art
Winner of ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Student Research Competition

Generating Op Art Lines

Embroidery Modeling and Rendering in Real Time

Self-Organizing Criticality as a Method of Procedural Modeling

Towards ground truth in geometric textures
Graphics Interface Conference, 2011

Augmenting Visual Feedback Using Sensory Substitution
Graphics Interface Conference, 2011

Self-Organized Approach to Modeling Hydraulic Erosion Features
Graphics Interface Conference, 2011
Best Poster Award

Sudoku Art
UW Graduate Student Research Conference, 2010

DecStr: A Decorative Strokes Application
ONCWIC, 2010

Extending the A-Patch single sheet conditions to enable the tessellation of algebraics
SPM, 2009

Wholetoning: Black-and-White Image Synthesis

Depiction Tools Inspired by Traditional Artistic Practices

Layered Variance Shadow Maps
I3D 2008

Summed-Area Variance Shadow Maps
I3D 2007

Parallel-Split Variance Shadow Maps
Graphics Interface Conference, 2007

Tessellating Algebraic Surfaces Using A-Patches
Graphics Interface Conference, 2007

A Perception Experiment on Rotated Billboards
Graphics Interface Conference, 2007

A Formalism For Visual Query Interface Design
Graphics Interface Conference, 2007

Automated Landscape Painting in the Style of Bob Ross

Multiple Perspectives in Computer Graphics: Arguments from Perceptual Grouping and Renaissance Art
Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, 2006. Best Poster Award

Approximate Continuity for Parametric, Triangular Bézier Surfaces
Graphics Interface Conference, 2006

Tessellating Algebraic Curves Using A-Patches
Graphics Interface Conference, 2006

Isophotes of Approximately Continuous Surfaces
Graphics Interface Conference, 2006

Maze Construction
Graphics Interface Conference, 2006

Approximate Continuity for Parametric, Triangular Bézier Surfaces
Graphics Interface Conference

Computer Assisted Woodworking
Graphics Interface Conference, 2004

KMVQL: a Graphical User Interface for Boolean Query Specification and Query Result Visualization

Computer Aided Violin Design
SIAM Geometric Design Conference, 2003

Technical Problems with Making a Moving Painting

Multiresolution Editing of Pasted Surfaces
Graphics Interface 2000

Better Pasting Through Quasi-Interpolation
Eurographics Conference, 1999