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Last Updated: May 6, 2002


Spring 2002


Stephen Mann, Bill Cowan, Gladimir Baranoski, and Michael McCool.

Room, Time

DC 3313, Wednesday 2:30-5:30


A seminar course on computer animation. We will read current papers on Computer Animation, using the text Computer Animation, by Rick Parent, as background material.

Expected of students

  • Read papers for the week, attend presentations
  • Present (or co-present) one or more of the topics.
  • A written report on the topic, OR an implementation project OR create a Houdini animation. This is due at the end of term.
Note: for audit credit, students are only expected to read, attend, and give a presentation. If you are taking the course for a grade, your mark will be based 40% on your presentation, 40% on your project, and 20% on participation, where most of the participation mark will be based on attendance.

Expected Background

CS 688 or a computer graphics course from another university would be a plus, but is not required.
University of Waterloo | Computer Science Department | 200 University Ave. W. | Waterloo, Ontario Canada | N2L 3G1 | 519.888.4567 | http://www.cgl.uwaterloo.ca/~smann/cs888/