CGL Meeting Minutes

Date: April 7, 2011
Location: DC 1331
Time: 11:30
Chair: Simon Parent
Simon Parent

1. Attendance

To be filled in by chair.

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Lesley- thanks!
Coffee hour this week:
Cherry and Elodie
Coffee hour next week:

3. Forthcoming

Date: April 14, 2011 April 21, 2011 April 28, 2011 May 5, 2011
Location: DC 1331 11:30 DC 1331 11:30 DC 1331 11:30 DC 1331 11:30
Chair: Alex Pytel
Alex Pytel
Jamie Ruiz
Jamie Ruiz
Mike Terry
Mike Terry
Matthew Thorne
Matthew Thorne
Technical Presentation: Lesley Northam
Lesley Northam
Simon Parent
Simon Parent
Alex Pytel
Alex Pytel
Jamie Ruiz
Jamie Ruiz

4. Technical Presentation

Matei Negulescu

Matei Negulescu
Title : Exploring Sketching for Robot Collaboration
The collaboration between humans and robots can lessen the burden of automatic learning while performing difficult tasks. This work explores sketching as a means to effectively collaborate by specifying the environment and affordances of areas/objects while continuously interacting to track the robot and perform a task.

5. Discussion Items

6. Action Items

7. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

Recent Additions

Upcoming Deadlines

8. Directors' Meeting

9. Seminars and Events

2011 Apr 07, 13:30 - Computer Graphics Research Group PhD Thesis Defence
Martin Talbot, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
Spatial Auditory Maps for Blind Travelers

2011 Apr 09, 09:30 - Symbolic Computation Group Seminar
Clement Pernet, Universite Joseph Fourier
Eliminations and echelon forms in exact linear algebra

2011 Apr 09, 11:30 - Symbolic Computation Group Seminar
Victoria Powers, Emory University
Rational certificates of positivity

2011 Apr 09, 14:30 - Symbolic Computation Group Seminar
Christopher Brown, US Naval Academy
Computing with semi-algebraic sets: from problem to solution

2011 Apr 11, 13:00 - Symbolic Computation Group PhD Thesis Defence
Daniel Roche, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
Efficient Computation with Sparse and Dense Polynomials

2011 Apr 11, 15:30 - Bioinformatics Group Master's Thesis Presentation
Denis Yuen, graduate student, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
SPIDER: Reconstructive Protein Homology Search with De Novo Sequencing Tags

2011 Apr 12, 14:30 - Computer Graphics Research Group Master's Thesis Presentation
Cherry C. Zhang, graduate student, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
Fluorescence and Adaptation in Color Images

Also see other Math and CS postings.

10. Lab Cleanup

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