CGL Meeting Agenda

Date: March 23, 2017
Location: DC 1331
Time: 10:30
Chair: Terence Dickson
Terence Dickson

1. Acceptance of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Sean? - thanks!
Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

3. Forthcoming

Date: March 30, 2017 April 6, 2017 April 13, 2017 April 20, 2017
Location: DC 1331 10:30 DC 1331 10:30 DC 1331 10:30 DC 1331 11:30
Chair: Xiang Fang
Xiang Fang
Ryan Goldade
Ryan Goldade
Veronika Irvine
Veronika Irvine
Craig Kaplan
Craig Kaplan
Technical Presentation: Terence Dickson
Terence Dickson
Xiang Fang
Xiang Fang
Ryan Goldade
Ryan Goldade
Veronika Irvine
Veronika Irvine

4. Technical Presentation


Title :

5. Discussion Items

6. Action Items

7. Lab Events

8. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

Recent Additions

Upcoming Deadlines

9. Directors' Meeting

10. Seminars and Events

Thursday, 23 March 2017, 2:00PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , Math & Computer, Room 2009 [Newish]
David Jao: -- Efficient Compression of SIDH Public Keys
Thursday, 23 March 2017, 3:30PM - Computer Science , DC 1302
Daniel Alan Spielman: -- The Laplacian Matrices of Graphs: Algorithms and Applications
Thursday, 23 March 2017, 4:00PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , Math & Computer, Room 5479 [Newish]
Ahmad Abdi: -- The Sums of Circuits Property
Friday, 24 March 2017, 1:30PM - Computer Science (Symbolic Computation Group), DC 2585
Joseph Haraldson: -- Computing a Nearest Singular Matrix Polynomial
Friday, 24 March 2017, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , Math & Computer, Room 5501 [Newish]
Dr. Jochen Koenemann: -- Improved Approximation for Tree Augmentation via Chvatal Gomory Cuts
Monday, 27 March 2017, 10:30AM - Computer Science (Computer Science), DC 1304
Sofya Raskhodnikova: -- Sublinear-Time Algorithms
Monday, 27 March 2017, 2:30PM - Institute for Quantum Computing , QNC 0101 [New!]
Thomas Vidick: -- Rigorous RG algorithms and area laws for low energy eigenstates in 1D
Wednesday, 29 March 2017, 10:00AM - Computer Science , DC 1302
Carmen M. Krogh, pharmacist: -- Industrial Wind Turbines Can Harm Humans
Thursday, 30 March 2017, 10:30AM - Computer Science , DC 1304
Ang Chen: -- Secure Diagnostics and Forensics with Network Provenance
Friday, 31 March 2017, 10:30AM - Computer Science (Networks and Distributed Systems), DC 1331
Benjamin Cassell: -- Using Libception to Understand and Improve HTTP Streaming Video Server Throughput

Also see other Math and CS postings.

11. Lab Cleanup

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