CGL Meeting Agenda

Date: October 13, 2016
Location: DC 1331
Time: 10:30
Chair: Bill Cowan
Bill Cowan

1. Acceptance of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Memory, do your thing! - thanks!
Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

3. Forthcoming

Date: October 20, 2016 October 27, 2016 November 3, 2016 November 10, 2016
Location: DC 1331 10:30 DC 1331 11:30 DC 1331 11:30 DC 1331 11:30
Chair: Terence Dickson
Terence Dickson
Xiang Fang
Xiang Fang
Ryan Goldade
Ryan Goldade
Leon Nanyi Jian
Leon Nanyi Jian
Technical Presentation: JC Chang
JC Chang
Terence Dickson
Terence Dickson
Xiang Fang
Xiang Fang
Ryan Goldade
Ryan Goldade

4. Technical Presentation

Bill Cowan

Bill Cowan
Title :

5. Discussion Items

6. Action Items

7. Lab Events

8. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

Recent Additions

Upcoming Deadlines

9. Directors' Meeting

10. Seminars and Events

    Thursday, 13 October 2016, 4:00PM - Statistics & Actuarial Science , Mathematics 3, 3127 [Newish]
    Severien Nkurunziza: -- Efficient Estimators in Regression Models with Change-points
     Friday, 14 October 2016, 2:00PM - Computer Science (Programming Languages Lab), DC 2314
    Aaron Moss: -- Efficient Expression Resolution in Cforall
     Friday, 14 October 2016, 2:00PM - Applied Mathematics , QNC 1501
    Alexander "Sasha" Gutfraind: -- Mathematical emergencies : Dynamic and Network-based Methods in Infectious Disease Epidemiology
     Friday, 14 October 2016, 3:30PM - Applied Mathematics , QNC 1501
    Alexander "Sasha" Gutfraind: -- Math on the frontlines : applications of complex systems methods in conflict research
     Monday, 17 October 2016, 1:00PM - Computer Science (Algorithms and Complexity Group), DC 2310 [New!]
    Vijay Subramanya: -- Graph editing to a given neighbourhood degree list is fixed-parameter tractable
     Tuesday, 18 October 2016, 11:30AM - Computer Science (Faculty Lecture Series), MC 5501
    Corey Johnson (Recreation & Leisure Studies): -- Working my Margins, Leveraging my Privilege: Sexual and Gender Identity Scholarly Activism
     Wednesday, 19 October 2016, 12:30PM - Computer Science (Database Research Group), DC 1331 [New!]
    Zeynep Korkmaz: -- Graph Aware Cache Replacement Policy 

Also see other Math and CS postings.

11. Lab Cleanup

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