CGL Meeting Agenda

Date: November 29, 2012
Location: DC 1331
Time: 11:30
Chair: Marta Kryven
Marta Kryven

1. Acceptance of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Elodie- thanks!
Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

3. Forthcoming

Date: December 6, 2012 December 13, 2012 December 20, 2012 December 27, 2012
Location: DC 1331 11:30 DC 1331 11:30 DC 1331 11:30 DC 1331 11:30
Chair: Tiffany Inglis
Tiffany Inglis
Craig Kaplan
Craig Kaplan
Bill Cowan
Bill Cowan
Stephen Mann
Stephen Mann
Technical Presentation: Bill Cowan
Bill Cowan
Elodie Fourquet
Elodie Fourquet
Tiffany Inglis
Tiffany Inglis
Craig Kaplan
Craig Kaplan

4. Technical Presentation

Zainab AlMeraj

Zainab AlMeraj
Title : Brief examples of 2D/3D Shape representation for modelling purposes
In search for a representation style for 2D shapes I came across many. I will go over shape representation and some of the different representation styles using in 3D and 2D research.

5. Discussion Items

6. Action Items

7. Lab Events

8. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

Recent Additions

Upcoming Deadlines

9. Directors' Meeting

10. Seminars and Events

Thursday, Nov. 29 2012
        PhD Defence/Computer Graphics Research Group
        ``Perspective in Two Dimensions for Computer Graphics''
        Elodie Fourquet, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton
        School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
        1:00 p.m.; DC 2310
Thursday, 29 November 2012, 3:30PM -- MC 5136B
   Number Theory Seminar Seminar -- Pure Mathematics
          Speaker: Jerry Wang, Harvard University
          Title: ""Pencils of quadrics and 2-Selmer groups of Jacobians of
          hyperelliptic curves""
Friday, 30 November 2012, 3:30PM -- MC 5158
   Tutte Seminar Seminar -- Combinatorics and Optimization
          Speaker: Marcus Appleby, Queen Mary - University of London
          Title: "Galois Symmetries of SIC-POVM"
Friday, 30 November 2012, 3:30PM -- MC 5136
   Analysis Seminar Seminar -- Pure Mathematics
          Speaker: Chun Kit Lai, McMaster University
          Title: "Fourier frames on general measure spaces"
Friday, Nov. 30, 2012
        PhD Defence/Databases Research Group
        ``Query Interactions in Database Systems''
        Mumtaz Ahmad, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton
        School of Comp. Sci.,  Univ. Waterloo
        9:30 a.m.; DC 231011:30
        Artificial Intelligence Seminar
        ``Exploring the incentives of electricity market participants''
        Michael Pavlin, Assistant Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
        11:30 .m.; DC 2306C (AI Lab)
        PhD Seminar/CACR/CrySP Research Group
        ``Enhancing Tor's Performance using Real-time Traffic
        Mashael Alsabah, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton
        School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
        2:30 p.m.; DC 1302
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
        Master's Thesis Presentation/Databases Research Group
        ``PStorM:   Profile Storage and Matching for Feedback-Based
        Tuning of MapReduce Jobs''
        Mostafa Ead, graduate student, David R. Cheriton
        School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
        2:30 p.m.; DC 1331
Tuesday, December 11, 2012cember 10, 2012
    Programming Languages Research Group
    ``Approximate Call Graphs for JavaScript''
    Max Schaefer, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    10:30 a.m.;  DC 2585
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
    PhD Defence/Databases Research Group
    ``Scalable and Highly Available Database Systems in the Cloud ''
    Umar Farooq Minhas, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton
    School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
    9:00 a.m.; MC 2009

Also see other Math and CS postings.

10. Lab Cleanup

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