MEETING-DATE:February 23, 2012 MEETING-LOCATION:DC 1331 MEETING-TIME:11:30 MEETING-CHAIR:Craig Kaplan MEETING-CHAIRPIC:craig.jpg COFFEE-HOUR-LAST-WEEK:Tiffany COFFEE-HOUR-THIS-WEEK:Volunteers? COFFEE-HOUR-NEXT-WEEK:Volunteers? FORTH-DATE1:March 1, 2012 FORTH-DATE2:March 8, 2012 FORTH-DATE3:March 15, 2012 FORTH-DATE4:March 22, 2012 FORTH-LOCATION1:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-LOCATION2:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-LOCATION3:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-LOCATION4:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-CHAIR1:Marta Kryven FORTH-CHAIR2:Ben Lafreniere FORTH-CHAIR3:Philippe Lamoureux FORTH-CHAIR4:Stephen Mann FORTH-CHAIRPIC1:martaPicture.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC2:ben.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC3:philippe-bright.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC4:smann.jpg FORTH-TP1:Tiffany Inglis FORTH-TP2:Craig Kaplan FORTH-TP3:Marta Kryven FORTH-TP4:Ben Lafreniere FORTH-TPPIC1:tiffany.jpg FORTH-TPPIC2:craig.jpg FORTH-TPPIC3:martaPicture.jpg FORTH-TPPIC4:ben.jpg TPNAME:Elodie Fourquet TPTITLE:Discussion on Visual Composition: My results and Beyond TPABSTRACT:I select three compositions made with my framework to discuss them.Each composition is inspired by a Renaissance painting. Doing so allows me toexplain the challenges of composition and the main workings of my framework,demonstrating its capabilities and limitations.Then, I will talk about Arnheim theory of composition in thevisual arts, which is relevant to my approach and how currently someempirical studies are attempting to verify its principles. Cavanaghhelps to position my approach in this ongoing composition mystery. TPPIC:elodie.jpg DIONE: DITWO: DITHREE: DIFOUR: AIONE:The March 1st event. Quoted from Bill ``The Day when students are invited to come to labs. Also, when we fail to meet students we want to meet we get to meet them there." AITWO:The upcoming conferences scripts need to be repaired. AITHREE: AIFOUR: DMONE: DMTWO: DMTHREE: DMFOUR: SEMINARS: