CGL Meeting Agenda

Date: September 29, 2011
Location: DC 1331
Time: 11:30
Chair: Dan Vogel
Dan Vogel

1. Acceptance of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Steve- thanks!
Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

3. Forthcoming

Date: October, 6, 2011 October 13, 2011 October 20, 2011
Location: DC 1331 11:30 DC 1331 11:30 DC 1331 11:30 DC 1331 11:30
Chair: Zainab AlMeraj
Zainab AlMeraj
Edgar Bering
Edgar Bering
Bill Cowan
Bill Cowan
Elodie Fourquet
Elodie Fourquet
Technical Presentation: Dan Vogel
Dan Vogel
Matthew Thorne
Matthew Thorne
Zainab AlMeraj
Zainab AlMeraj
Edgar Bering
Edgar Bering

4. Technical Presentation

Mike Terry

Mike Terry
Title : Google Knows What You Hate About Your Kindle: Analyzing Search Queries to Infer User Needs and Desires in Consumer Products
It has become second nature to "Google" any problem we have with the technology we own. As designers of technology, we can exploit this behavior to learn what people want and need from their products. In this talk, I will present research that demonstrates how web search queries can be used to identify usability issues and unmet needs in publicly available products, drawing upon examples such as the iPhone, Kindle, and Firefox. Since only a select few have direct access to raw search query logs, I also show how search query activity can be approximated using publicly available resources.

5. Discussion Items

6. Action Items

7. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

Recent Additions

Upcoming Deadlines

8. Directors' Meeting

9. Seminars and Events

2011 Sep 28, 10:30 - Software Engineering Research Group Seminar
Luisa Mich, Department of Computer and Management Sciences, University of Trento
Requirements for a web reputation monitoring system
2011 Sep 28, 14:30 - Database Research Group Seminar
Jonathan Goldstein, Microsoft
Temporal Analytics on Big Data for Web Advertising
2011 Sep 30, 10:30 - Symbolic Computation Group PhD Seminar
Reinhold-Burger, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
Symbolic Solution of Linear Differential Equations of Second Order having Doubly-Periodic Coefficients
2011 Oct 03, 15:30 - Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CrySP) Group PhD Seminar
Mehrdad Nojoumian, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
Unconditionally Secure Sealed-Bid Auctions
2011 Oct 03, 16:30 - Institute for Computer Research
Dan Leibu, Chief Technology Officer and Dan Galperin, VP,Research & Development, Kobo
With a Sling and with a Stone… Small Fights Big in the e-Book Market

Also see other Math and CS postings.

10. Lab Cleanup

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