MEETING-DATE:October 20, 2011 MEETING-LOCATION:DC 1331 MEETING-TIME:11:30 MEETING-CHAIR:Bill Cowan MEETING-CHAIRPIC:cowan_unflipped.gif COFFEE-HOUR-LAST-WEEK:Dan COFFEE-HOUR-THIS-WEEK:Volunteers? COFFEE-HOUR-NEXT-WEEK:Volunteers? FORTH-DATE1:October 27, 2011 FORTH-DATE2:November 3, 2011 FORTH-DATE3:November 10, 2011 FORTH-DATE4: FORTH-LOCATION1:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-LOCATION2:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-LOCATION3:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-LOCATION4:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-CHAIR1:Elodie Fourquet FORTH-CHAIR2:Tiffany Inglis FORTH-CHAIR3:Craig Kaplan FORTH-CHAIR4:Ben Lafreniere FORTH-CHAIRPIC1:elodie.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC2:tiffany.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC3:craig.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC4:ben.jpg FORTH-TP1:Edgar Bering FORTH-TP2:Bill Cowan FORTH-TP3:Elodie Fourquet FORTH-TP4:Tiffany Inglis FORTH-TPPIC1:edgar.png FORTH-TPPIC2:cowan_unflipped.gif FORTH-TPPIC3:elodie.jpg FORTH-TPPIC4:tiffany.jpg TPNAME:Zainab AlMeraj TPTITLE:Inquiry into aesthetic and similarity measurements of geometric arrangements TPABSTRACT:In the talk I will go over some existing works that deal with point arrangements and similarity experiments in an attempt to reach an understanding of what similarity is in the context of geometric arrangements. I touch on vision and some psychophysical paradigms and then go over some means of quantifying the similarity for these arrangements. I will end the talk with a few discussion questions. TPPIC:zainab.jpg DIONE:Wolfgang's talk tomorrow DITWO: DITHREE: DIFOUR: AIONE:Send PDFs of recent posters to Steve. AITWO: AITHREE: AIFOUR: DMONE: DMTWO: DMTHREE: DMFOUR: SEMINARS:
2011 Oct 21, 10:00 - Artificial Intelligence Lab Master's Thesis PresentationYuxin Yu, Masters student, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, U of Waterloo
Mechanisms for Dynamic Setting with Restricted Allocations
2011 Oct 21, 11:30 - Artificial Intelligence Lab PhD SeminarArthur Carvalho , PhD candidate, David R Cheriton School of Computer Science, U of Waterloo
On a Reliable Peer-Review Process
2011 Oct 21, 14:30 - Institute for Computer Research SeminarProf. Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Department of Computer Science, York University, Toronto
Is `Iron Man 2' Right? Re-Investigating 3D User Interfaces
Monday, 24 October 2011, 12:00PM - Computational Mathematics , Math & Computer, Room 5158, Dr. Uri Ascher
Title not available
Monday, 24 October 2011, 3:30PM - Faculty of Mathematics , M3 1006, Walter Craig
On the singular set of the Navier-Stokes equations
2011 Oct 25, 09:00 - Symbolic Computation Group PhD Thesis DefenceSomayeh Moazeni, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sc., Univ. Waterloo
Optimal Execution Strategies: Uncertainty and Robustness
2011 Oct 25, 15:30 - Artificial Intelligence Lab SeminarProf. Peter Shizgal, Concordia University Research Chair
The neural computation of utility: contributions from the study of brain stimulation reward
2011 Oct 26, 10:30 - Programming Languages Lab SeminarSinisa Catic, Independent Consultant, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
ALGOL MMXI Universal Programming Language
2011 Oct 26, 13:30 - Algorithms and Complexity Group SeminarAlex Leong, University of Waterloo
Variations on the Erdos Discrepancy Problem
2011 Oct 27, 13:30 - Programming Languages Lab SeminarPavel Parizek, Postdoc, School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
Identifying Future Field Accesses in Exhaustive State Space Traversal