MEETING-DATE:February 17, 2011 MEETING-LOCATION:DC 1331 MEETING-TIME:11:30 MEETING-CHAIR:Ben Lafreniere MEETING-CHAIRPIC:ben.jpg COFFEE-HOUR-LAST-WEEK:Cherry -- from scratch! COFFEE-HOUR-THIS-WEEK:Volunteers? COFFEE-HOUR-NEXT-WEEK:Volunteers? FORTH-DATE1:February 24, 2011 FORTH-DATE2:March 3, 2011 FORTH-DATE3:March 10, 2011 FORTH-DATE4:March 17, 2011 FORTH-LOCATION1:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-LOCATION2:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-LOCATION3:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-LOCATION4:DC 1331 11:30 FORTH-CHAIR1:Cherry Zhang FORTH-CHAIR2:Ed Lank FORTH-CHAIR3:Stephen Mann FORTH-CHAIR4:Matei Negulescu FORTH-CHAIRPIC1:cherry.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC2:ed.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC3:smann.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC4:matei.png FORTH-TP1:Tiffany Inglis FORTH-TP2:Ben Lafreniere FORTH-TP3:Philippe Lamoureux FORTH-TP4:Ed Lank FORTH-TPPIC1:tiffany.jpg FORTH-TPPIC2:ben.jpg FORTH-TPPIC3:philippe-bright.jpg FORTH-TPPIC4:ed.jpg TPNAME:Craig Kaplan TPTITLE:Smooth Fractal-Like Curves TPABSTRACT:I present a technique for constructing fractal-like curves from smooth base curves. The technique is similar to that used in Iterated Function Systems like the Koch curve, except that it does not require a piecewise linear path in order to induce a set of similarities. I explain the mathematical machinery behind the technique, describe a practical numerical approximation that can be implemented in software, and show some results. TPPIC:craig.jpg DIONE: DITWO: DITHREE: DIFOUR: AIONE:DC 1331 is not available on March 24th. AITWO:Updates on the poster? AITHREE: AIFOUR: DMONE: DMTWO: DMTHREE: DMFOUR: SEMINARS:
    * 2011 Feb 16, 13:30 — Waterloo Formal Methods PhD Seminar      Vlad Ciubotariu, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo      Automatic Datapath Abstraction of Pipelined Circuits    * 2011 Feb 17, 10:30 — Waterloo Formal Methods Seminar      Alan Hu, University of British Columbia      Modular Verification of Shared-Memory Concurrent Systems Software    * 2011 Feb 17, 13:00 — Software Engineering Research Group PhD Seminar      Vahid Karimi, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo      Access Control Models for Business Processes    * 2011 Feb 17, 13:30 — Waterloo Formal Methods PhD Thesis Defence      Vlad Ciubotariu, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo      Automatic Datapath Abstraction Of Pipelined Circuits    * 2011 Feb 18, 14:00 — Software Engineering Research Group PhD Seminar      Ahmed Raihan Al-Ekram, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo      Adaptive Replication Reconfiguration for QoS    * 2011 Feb 24, 10:30 — Computer Science Seminar      Karyn Moffat, Associate Director of the Technologies for Aging Gracefully Lab (TAGLab), University of Toronto      Accessibility and Beyond: Addressing the Technology Needs -- and Wants -- of Older Adults    * 2011 Feb 24, 14:30 — Bioinformatics Group Seminar      Michal Nánási, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic      The Highest Expected Reward Decoding for HMMs with Application to Recombination Detection    * 2011 Feb 25, 10:00 — Software Engineering Research Group PhD Seminar      Vahid Karimi, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo      Business-related Access Control Property Specification and Verification    * 2011 Feb 28, 10:30 — Computer Science Seminar      Livio Soares, PhD candidate, Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept., University of Toronto      Exception-less system calls: How to double the performance of server applications with no changes to the application or