MEETING-DATE:April 14, 2010 MEETING-LOCATION:DC 1331 MEETING-TIME:1:30 MEETING-CHAIR:Bill Cowan MEETING-CHAIRPIC:cowan_unflipped.gif COFFEE-HOUR-LAST-WEEK:Maxime COFFEE-HOUR-THIS-WEEK:Elodie COFFEE-HOUR-NEXT-WEEK:Volunteers? FORTH-DATE1:April 21, 2010 FORTH-DATE2:April 28, 2010 FORTH-DATE3:May 5, 2010 FORTH-DATE4:May 12, 2010 FORTH-LOCATION1:DC 1331 1:30 FORTH-LOCATION2:DC 1331 1:30 FORTH-LOCATION3:DC 1331 1:30 FORTH-LOCATION4:DC 1331 1:30 FORTH-CHAIR1:Mike Terry FORTH-CHAIR2:Matthew Thorne FORTH-CHAIR3:Zainab AlMeraj FORTH-CHAIR4:Gabriel Esteves FORTH-CHAIRPIC1:michael_terry.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC2:thorne.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC3:zainab.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC4:rgesteve.gif FORTH-TP1:Andrew Seniuk FORTH-TP2:Bill Cowan FORTH-TP3:Mike Terry FORTH-TP4:Matthew Thorne FORTH-TPPIC1:seniuk-andrew-1.jpg FORTH-TPPIC2:cowan_unflipped.gif FORTH-TPPIC3:michael_terry.jpg FORTH-TPPIC4:thorne.jpg TPNAME:Maxime Quiblier TPTITLE:Displacement Map on Plane and Meshes TPABSTRACT:I will review a basic 2D displacement algorithm on plane.Then, I will describe extensions needed to apply it to more complex 3D models. TPPIC:quiblier.jpg DIONE:Nullius motherboard. DITWO: DITHREE: DIFOUR: AIONE:We need a new CGL poster to replace the ancient one. AITWO:Reserve a room and time for next term. AITHREE: AIFOUR: DMONE: DMTWO: DMTHREE: DMFOUR: SEMINARS:
2010 Apr 15, 10:00 - Networks and Distributed Systems Master's Thesis PresentationFida-E Zaheer, graduate student, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. WaterlooService Negotiation and Contracting in Virtual Network Environment2010 Apr 20, 13:30 - Database Research Group Master's Essay PresentationXin Zhan, graduate student, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. WaterlooEnergy Efficient Computing