CGL Meeting Agenda

Date: September 9, 2009
Location: DC 1331
Time: 1:30
Chair: Kate Kinnear
Kate Kinnear

1. Acceptance of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Xin Ling- thanks!
Coffee hour this week:
Andrew Seniuk
Coffee hour next week:

3. Forthcoming

Date: September 16, 2009 September 23, 2009 September 30, 2009 October 7, 2009
Location: DC 1331 1:30 DC 1331 1:30 DC 1331 1:30 DC 1304 1:30
Chair: Ben Lafreniere
Ben Lafreniere
Ed Lank
Ed Lank
Zainab Meraj
Zainab Meraj
Matei Negulescu
Matei Negulescu
Technical Presentation: Marshall Hahn
Marshall Hahn
Matthew Kay
Matthew Kay
Craig Kaplan
Craig Kaplan
Kate Kinnear
Kate Kinnear

4. Technical Presentation

Eugene Greene

Eugene Greene
Title : Visual feedback during manual interaction in virtual environments
There is a large gap between the stimuli provided in real-world interactions and those provided in simple virtual environments. It is conceivable to simulate these stimuli through a visual modality. Current attempts at this simulation are mostly simple, and exhibit drawbacks. Hence, there is apparently much room for more nontrivial forms of this kind of visual feedback.

5. Discussion Items

6. Action Items

7. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

Recent Additions

Upcoming Deadlines

8. Directors' Meeting

9. Seminars and Events

2009 Sep 10, 13:00 - Programming Languages Lab PhD Seminar
Jun Shen, PhD candidate, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
Guided Testing of Concurrent Programs Using Value Schedules

2009 Sep 14, 16:30 - Distinguished Lecture Series Seminar
Shafi Goldwasser, MIT, USA, and Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Cryptography without (Hardly) Any Secrets

2009 Sep 15, 13:00 - Database Research Group Master's Thesis Presentation
Mahsa Emami Taba, graduate student, David R. Cheriton School of Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo
Solving Traveling Salesman Problem With a non-complete Graph

2009 Sep 16, 15:30 - Algorithms and Complexity Group Seminar
Elena Lesvia Velasquez Ruiz, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Drawing planar 3-trees with fixed face areas

2009 Sep 16, 16:00 - Algorithms and Complexity Group Seminar
Therese Biedl, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Small drawings of series-parallel graphs and other planar graphs

Also see other Math and CS postings.

10. Lab Cleanup

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