MEETING-DATE:June 4, 2007 MEETING-LOCATION:DC 1304 MEETING-TIME:1:30 MEETING-CHAIR:Andrew Lauritzen MEETING-CHAIRPIC:andrew.jpg COFFEE-HOUR-LAST-WEEK:None? COFFEE-HOUR-THIS-WEEK:Andrew COFFEE-HOUR-NEXT-WEEK:Volunteers? FORTH-DATE1:June 11, 2007 FORTH-DATE2:June 18, 2007 FORTH-DATE3:June 25, 2007 FORTH-DATE4:July 2, 2007 FORTH-LOCATION1:CGL 1:30 FORTH-LOCATION2:CGL 1:30 FORTH-LOCATION3:DC 1304 10:30 FORTH-LOCATION4:DC 1304 10:30 FORTH-CHAIR1:Ed Lank FORTH-CHAIR2:Vladimir Levin FORTH-CHAIR3:Yi Lin FORTH-CHAIR4:Robin Liu FORTH-CHAIRPIC1:ed.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC2:vladimir.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC3:y9lin.jpg FORTH-CHAIRPIC4:ybliu.jpg FORTH-TP1:Gabriel Esteves FORTH-TP2:Ed Lank FORTH-TP3:Andrew Lauritzen FORTH-TP4:Vladimir Levin FORTH-TPPIC1:rgesteve.jpg FORTH-TPPIC2:ed.jpg FORTH-TPPIC3:andrew.jpg FORTH-TPPIC4:vladimir.jpg TPNAME:Craig Kaplan TPTITLE:Semiregular Patterns on Surfaces TPABSTRACT:A popular topic in computer graphics research is the synthesis of irregular textures on surfaces. However, very little work has considered how to decorate surfaces with _ordered_ patterns. In this work, I show how patterns belonging to certain planar symmetry groups may be transferred to the domains of suitably parameterized meshes. The method requires nothing more than texture mapping once the meshes are parameterized, and greatly simplifies previous attempts to place patterns on surfaces. TPPIC:craig.jpg DIONE: DITWO: DITHREE: DIFOUR: AIONE:June 29th lab open house AITWO:Meetings in CGL on 11 June, 18 June, 30 July AITHREE:Craig: Allosphere! AIFOUR: DMONE: DMTWO: DMTHREE: DMFOUR: SEMINARS:
Monday, 4 June 2007, 14:30 - Computational Mathematics , MC 5158
Aleksandar Jemcov: -- "Algorithm Stabilization and Acceleration in Computational Fluid Dynamics: Exploiting Recursive Properties of Fixed-Point Algorithms"
Wednesday, 6 June 2007, 13:30 — Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CrySP) Group Seminar
Ge Zhong: -- "Louis, Lester and Pierre: Three Protocols for Location Privacy"
Wednesday, 6 June 2007, 2:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization (Undergraduate Research), MC 5158 [Newish]
Joseph Cheriyan: -- "The Probabilistic Method"