Date: | May 18th, 2005 |
Location: | DC1304 |
Time: | 2:30 PM |
Chair: | Brad Kimmel |
Date: | May 25th | June 1st | June 8th | June 15th |
Location: | CGL | DC1304 | DC1304 | DC1304 |
Chair: | Steve Mann |
Jiwen (Anne) Huo |
Celine Latulipe |
Michael McCool |
Technical Presentation: |
Brad Kimmel |
Yi Lin |
Erin Lester |
Celine Latulipe |
Title: Paint Inspired Color Mixing and Compositing for Visualization Abstract:
Color is often used to convey information,
and color compositing is often required
while visualizing mulit-attribute information.
In my talk, I'll present a paper written by
Nathan Gossett. In the paper, the authors
proposed a paint-inspired RYB color space.
In addition, noise patterns are employed to
produce subregions of pure color within an
overlapped region. Examples are given to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the
technique for visualization.