CGL Meeting Agenda

Date: April 13th, 2005
Location: DC1304
Time: 2:30 PM
Elodie Fourquet

1. Changes to the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Edwin Vane
Coffee hour this week:
Gilad Israeli
Coffee hour next week:


3. Forthcoming

Date: April 20th April 27th May 4th May 11th
Location: DC1331 CGL? CGL? CGL?
Yi Lin

Gilad Israeli

Craig Kaplan

Celine Latulipe

Stefanus Du Toit

Elodie Fourquet

Jiwen (Anne) Huo

Gilad Israeli

4. Technical Presentation

Title: CSVG = Constraints + SVG

Abstract: In this talk, I will describe Greg Badros' CSVG, an extension to the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) standard. The extension consists of allowing geometrical constraints in the description of the model. I'll talk about the benefits and requirements placed upon such a system, and how CSVG meets those requirements. Finally, I'll try to generalize this discussion to the use of (arithmetic) constraints in graphical modeling, and accompanying issues.

5. General Discussion Items

6. Action Items

7. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

8. Directors' Meeting

9. Seminars and Events

Thursday, 14 April 2005, 10:30AM - Computer Science , DC1304
Magdalena Balazinska: -- Load Management and Fault-Tolerance in a Distributed Stream Processing System
Friday, 15 April 2005, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , MC 5158
Felix Lazebnik: -- On the existence of certain generalized quadrangles
Monday, 18 April 2005, 3:30PM - Computational Mathematics , MC 5158
Dr. Jeff Z.Y. Chen: -- Simulating Protein Folding Pathway and the Need of Distributed Computation
Tuesday, 19 April 2005, 1:00PM - Computer Science , DC 1304
Michael Cheng: -- A Hybrid Transfer of Control Approach to Designing Adjustable Autonomy Multiagent Systems
Wednesday, 20 April 2005, 9:30AM - Computer Science , DC 1304
Aravind Krishnaswamy: -- BioSpec: A Biophysically-Based Spectral Model of Light Interaction with Human Skin
Friday, 22 April 2005, 10:00AM - Computer Science , DC 1331
Sun Min Hong: -- Shape Modeling of Plant Leaves with Unstructured Meshes

10. Lab Cleanup