CGL Meeting Agenda

Date: February 23rd, 2005
Location: DC 1304
Time: 2:30 PM
Jie Xu

1. Changes to the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Mark Belcarz
Coffee hour this week:
Jie Xu
Coffee hour next week:
Stefanus Du Toit?


3. Forthcoming

Date: March 2nd March 9th March 16th March23th
Location: DC1304 DC1304 DC1304 DC1304
Daming Yao

Mark Belcarz

Bryan Chan

Alex Clarke

Maria Wong

Jie Xu

Daming Yao

Mark Belcarz

4. Technical Presentation

Mauro Steigleder

Title:Octahedral Projection

Abstract: I'll present a new formulation of the octahedral projection based on a generalization of the parabolic projection.
The new projection is suitable for applications requiring a large number of texture lookups per rendering pass. Octahedral
maps can be efficiently implemented on current graphics hardware, have good texture memory usage and are continuous
along all octohedra's faces, and are axially symmetric.

5. General Discussion Items

6. Action Items

7. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

8. Directors' Meeting

9. Seminars and Events

Wednesday, 23 February 2005, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , MC 5136 [Newish]
#1 Zhengzheng Zhou / #2 Ashkan Aazami / #3 Carlos Hoppen: -- #1 Solving Parametric Quadratic Programming Using Active Set / #2 An algorithm for H-Coloring Problem with tree-duality property / #3 Colouring graphs with girth at least five
Wednesday, 23 February 2005, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics (Analysis Seminar), MC 5046 [Newish]
Volker Runde: -- Is abstract harmonic analysis really about groups?
Thursday, 24 February 2005, 9:00AM - Computer Science (Networks Group), DC 1331 [Newish]
N. Ahmed: -- Mobility Decisions in Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks
Thursday, 24 February 2005 Moved to Wednesday, 23 February 2005 (link points to new notice) Pure Mathematics (Analysis Seminar),[Newish]
Volker Runde -- Is abstract harmonic analysis really about groups?
Friday, 25 February 2005, 11:30AM - Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence Group), DC 2306C (AI Seminar Room)
Henry Hexmoor: -- From AI to Multiagent. Systems
Friday, 25 February 2005, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , MC 5158 [Newish]
Laszlo Szego: -- Constructive characterizations for packing and covering by trees

10. Lab Cleanup