CGL Meeting Agenda

Date: May 5, 2004
Location: DC 1304
Time: 2 :30 PM
Yi Lin

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Edwin Vane
Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

3. Forthcoming

Date: May 12 May 19 May 26 June 2
Location: DC1304 DC1304 DC1304 DC1304
Brad Kimmel

Jiwen Huo

Craig Kaplan

Aravind Krishnaswarmy

Jiwen Huo

Elodie Fourquet

Brad Kimmel

Craig Kaplan

Note (for future chairs): Craig won't be here next N weeks?

4. Technical Presentation

Stefanus Du Toit

Title: Version Control with CVS Subversion

Abstract: Centralized version control involves keeping a set of files in a central location, with one or more people having access to those files and editing them concurrently. Important problems that version control systems should solve include keeping a history of changes, allowing changes to be reverted, resolving conflicts, managing branches and controlling access.

CVS and Subversion are two systems aiming to solve these problems. I will discuss how they are used, how they work and how well they perform. If you already know about CVS you are welcome to sleep through every second slide.

5. General Discussion Items

6. Action List

7. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

8. Directors' Meeting

9. Seminars and Events

Thursday, 6 May 2004, 10:00AM - Computer Science (Distributed Systems Group), DC 1331
     Michael Kwok: -- Workload Characterization of Multi-player Online Games

Friday, 7 May 2004, 10:00AM - Computer Science , DC 1331
     Rodolfo G. Esteves: -- CForAll, a Study in Evolutionary Design in Programming Languages

Friday, 7 May 2004, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , MC 5136
     Mohammad R. Salavatipour: -- Packing Steiner Trees

Monday, 10 May 2004, 2:00PM - Computer Science , DC 1304 NOTE ROOM CHANGE
     (Eric) Yu Chen: -- Towards In-Place Algorithms in Computational Geometry
Tuesday, 11 May 2004, 1:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 5158
     Günter Pickert: -- Hilbert's last lectures in Göttingen 1933/34; Pasch, Hilbert and Frege on foundation of geometry
Tuesday, 11 May 2004, 2:00PM - Computer Science , DC 1304
     Zhenpeng Qu: -- Exponential fitting multigrid for convection-diffusion equations
Thursday, 13 May 2004, 3:30PM - Statistics & Actuarial Science , MC5158
     Dr. Ji Zhu: -- Piecewise Linear SVM Paths
Friday, 14 May 2004, 11:00AM - Computer Science , DC 1331
     YaYa Yang: -- Incremental Computation of Shortest Paths Trees
Friday, 14 May 2004, 2:00PM - Computer Science , DC 1331
     Serge Bourbonnais: -- Federated Archives: transparently archiving relational data
Monday, 17 May 2004, 10:30AM - Computer Science , DC 1331
     John Johansen: -- Delta Pointers

10. Lab Cleanup !