CGL Meeting Agenda


Date: March 31, 2004
Location: DC 1304
Time: 1:30 PM
Bryan Chan

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

3. Forthcoming

Date: April 7 April 14 April 21 April 28
Location: DC1304 DC1304 DC1304 DC1304
Alex Clarke

Bill Cowan

Stefanus Du Toit

Elodie Fourquet

Daming Yao

Bryan Chan

Alex Clarke

Bill Cowan

4. Technical Presentation

Jack Wang

Title: Frame Mapping Using Sh

Abstract: Frame Mapping is a natural extension to bump mapping where the entire surface frame is perturbed in an anisotropic lighting model to produce brush metal effects. This talk describes ways to implement frame mapping using the Sh shading language.

5. General Discussion Items

6. Action List

7. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

8. Directors' Meeting

9. Seminars and Events

Friday, 2 April 2004, 1:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 5045
Michael Burns: -- Subfactors and Planar Algebras
Friday, 2 April 2004, 3:30PM - Applied Mathematics , Math & Computer, Room 5136
Dr. M. Trummer: -- Spectral Differencing with a Twist
Friday, 2 April 2004, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , MC 5158
David Wagner: -- Matroids that behave like electrical networks

10. Lab Cleanup !