CGL Meeting Agenda

Date: November 26, 2003
Location: DC 1304
Time: 1:30 PM
Celine Latulipe

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Special guest star: Jessica
Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

3. Forthcoming

Date: December 3 December 10 December 17 January 7
Erin Lester

Yi Lin

Robin Liu

Steve Mann

Aravind Krishnaswamy

Celine Latulipe

Erin Lester

Yi Lin

4. Technical Presentation

Rob Kroeger
Talk summary: A brief overview of qmail installation issues and problem solving.
In particular, I will touch on: a) why qmail b) solving qmail problems c) maildir versus mailbox

5.General Discussion Items

6.Action List

7.Conferences and Special Journal Issues

8. Directors' Meeting

9. Seminars and Events

Wednesday, 26 November 2003, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 6091A [Newish]
Gregory Berhuy: -- Essential dimension of cubics
Thursday, 27 November 2003, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 6091A [Newish]
John Friedlander: -- Exceptional characters and the distribution of primes
Thursday, 27 November 2003, 3:30PM - Applied Mathematics , Math & Computer, Room 4064 [Newish]
Dr. John Sipe: -- Quantum computation and the new nonlinear optics: Conditional linear-optical measurement schemes and effective photon nonlinearities
Thursday, 27 November 2003, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , Math & Computer 5136 [Newish]
Lingsheng Shi: -- Ramsey numbers of cubes
Friday, 28 November 2003, 2:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 4040 [Newish]
Dan Pollock: -- Hamana's Theorem
Friday, 28 November 2003, 3:30PM - Applied Mathematics , Math & Computer, Room 5136 [Newish]
Dr. Ron Haynes: -- Solution Strategies for Moving Mesh Partial Differential Equations
Friday, 28 November 2003, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , Math & Computer 5158 [Newish]
Louis H. Kauffman: -- Colorings of Knots and Graphs
Tuesday, 2 December 2003, 9:00AM - Computer Science , DC 1331 [Newish]
Yinghua (Silvia) Jia: -- Run-time Management for Feature Interaction
Tuesday, 2 December 2003, 4:00PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , Math & Computer 6091A
Prof. Hristo S. Sendov: -- Generalized Hadamard Product and the Derivatives of Spectral Functions

10. Lab Cleanup