CGL Meeting Agenda

Date: October 22, 2003
Location: DC 1304
Time: 1:30 PM
Craig S. Kaplan

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Coffee hour this week:
Yours Truly
Coffee hour next week:

3. Forthcoming

Date: October 29 November 5 November 12 November 19
Jiwen Huo

Brad Kimmel

Aravind Krishnaswamy

Rob Kroeger

Elodie Fourquet

Jiwen Huo

Craig Kaplan

Brad Kimmel

4. Technical Presentation

Stefanus DuToit
Real-Time Graphics Compilers
Sh is a GPU metaprogramming language developed at the University of Waterloo Computer Graphics Lab. It allows graphics programmers to write programs which run directly on the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) using familiar C++ syntax. Furthermore, it allows metaprogramming of such programs, that is, writing programs which generate other programs, in an easy and natural manner.

This talk will give a brief overview of how Sh works, the design of its intermediate representation and the (still somewhat simplistic) optimizer that the current reference implementation has and problems with applying traditional compiler optimizations.

5.General Discussion Items

6.Action List

7.Conferences and Special Journal Issues

8. Directors' Meeting

9. Seminars and Events

Monday, 20 October 2003, 11:00AM - Computer Science (Databases Group), DC 1304
Louiqa Raschid: -- Efficient Exploration of Links and Paths in Life Sciences Data Sources
Tuesday, 21 October 2003, 10:00AM - Pure Mathematics , MC 6091A
Kenley Jung: -- Free entropy, free entropy dimension, and hyperfiniteness
Tuesday, 21 October 2003, 4:00PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , MC 6091A
Renata Sotirov: -- How Does The Bundle Method Work?
Friday, 24 October 2003, 2:00PM - Computer Science (Databases Group), DC 1331
Heng Yu: -- Investigations in Tree Locking for Compiled Database Applications
Friday, 24 October 2003, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 5045
John Baker: -- A sum form functional equation and its stability
Tuesday, 28 October 2003, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 5158
Gregory Freiman: -- The Interface Between Probability Theory and Additive Number Theory (Local Limit Theorems and Structure Theory of Set Addition)
Tuesday, 28 October 2003, 4:00PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , Math & Computer, Room 6091A
Kartik Krishnan: -- A non-polyedral primal active set approach for semidefinite programming
Wednesday, 29 October 2003, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 6091A
Saso Strle: -- Rational homology spheres and 4-ball genus

10. Lab Cleanup