CGL Meeting Agenda

July 9th, 2003

Location: DC 1304
Time: 1:30 PM
Yingbin(Robin) Liu 
Technical presentation: :-D
Aravind Krishnaswamy 

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Kevin Moule
Coffee hour this week:?
Coffee hour next week:

3. Next meeting

Date: July 16th
Location: DC 1304
Time: 1:30 PM
Chair: :-D
Stephen Mann 
Technical presentation:
Yi Lin 

4. Forthcoming

Date: July 23rd July 30th August 6th
Chair: :-D
Michael McCool 
Kevin Moule 
Stuart Pollock 
Technical presentation: :-D
Robin Liu 
Stephen Mann 
Michael McCool 

5. Technical Presentation

Aravind Krishnaswamy 
Technical Introduction to Rendering for Television

"How can you render video such that it cannot be properly played
backwards?". That is one of the questions you will be able to answer
after this talk. The technical aspects of television make it an
interesting and challenging platform to target rendering. I will touch
upon a few of the issues related to television as well as give a bit of
history behind TV.

6.General Discussion Items

7.Action List

8.Conferences and Special Journal Issues

  • SIGGRAPH 2003
  • Graphics Hardware 2003
  • IV 2003 (7th International Conference on INFORMATION VISUALISATION)
  • Sixth IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM 2003)
  • I E E E V I S U A L I Z A T I O N 2 0 0 3
  • UIST 2003 will be held November 2-5, 2003 in Vancouver
  • SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing
  • GMAG'03 (Geometric Modelling & Graphics)
  • 9. Director's Meeting

    10. Seminars and Events

    Friday, 11 July 2003, 10:00AM - Computer Science (SciCom-Scientific Computation Group), DC 3313
    David Pooley: -- Viscosity Solutions for Numerical Analysts
    Friday, 18 July 2003, 3:00PM - Computer Science , MC 5136B (note room)
    A. Grau: -- Soft Call Constraints in Convertible Bonds and a Pricing Framework for Path Dependent Options

    11. Lab Cleanup