CGLMeeting Agenda

April 2nd, 2003


DC 2303


1:30 PM



Real Xu

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:

Stuart Pollock

Coffee hour this week:

Tiberiu Popa

Coffee hour next week:


3. Next meeting


Wednesday, April 9th, 2003


DC 1304


1:30 p.m.


:-D Daming Yao

Technical presentation:

:-D Mauro Steigleder

4. Forthcoming


  1. :-D Shalini Aggarwal (April 16th)
  2.  Gladimir Baranoski (April 23rd)  
  3.  Bryan Chan (April 30th)

Tech Presenters:

  1. :-D  Real Xu (April 16th)  
  2. :-D  Daming Yao (April 23rd)  
  3. :-D  Shalini Aggarwal (April 30th)

5. Technical Presentation

Presenter: :-D

Selina Siu


Early Canid Domestication: The Farm-Fox Experiment


The presenter will talk about an experiment investigating domestication by
replaying the process with foxes.

6. General Discussion Items


7. Action List


8. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

·  Graphics Interface 2003

·  Graphics Hardware 2003

·  SIGGRAPH 2003

·  Sixth IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM 2003)


·  ISMAR 2003 - The Second International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality

·  SIBGRAPI 2003 - XVI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing

·  I E E E V I S U A L I Z A T I O N 2 0 0 3

·  UIST 2003

·  UbiComp 2003, Fifth annual conference on ubiquitous computing [Newish]

ICMI-PUI '03, The fifth international conference on multimodal interfaces[Newish]


·  SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing

9. Director's Meeting

10. Seminars and Events

Thursday, 3 April 2003, 10:30PM - Computer Science, MC 5158 [Newish]

Victor C. Zandy: -- Roaming Applications

Friday, 4 April 2003, 12:00PM - Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence Group), DC 2306C [Newish]

Yingwei Wang: -- Patricia Trees and Variants


Thursday, 10 April 2003, 10:30AM - Computer Science, DC 1302

Eldar Giladi: -- Hybrid numerical asymptotic methods for the Helmholtz equation

11. Lab Cleanup