1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
Coffee hour last week:
Selina Siu
Coffee hour this week:
Stuart Pollock
Coffee hour next week:
3. Next meeting
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2003
DC 2303
1:30 p.m.
Real Xu
Technical presentation:
Selina Siu
4. Forthcoming
Daming Yao (April 9th)
Shalini Aggarwal (April 16th)
Anis Ahmad (April 23rd)
Tech Presenters:
Mauro Steigleder(April 9th)
Real Xu (April 16th)
Daming Yao (April 23rd)
5. Technical Presentation
Anis Ahmad
Counterflow Pipeline Processor Architecture
The counterflow pipeline processor architecture is a proposal for a new
pipeline implementation for RISC processors. The counterflow pipeline is a
bidirectional pipeline with instructions flowing along one direction, and
results flowing along the opposite direction. This allows for local
control/communication, uniform handling of pipeline hazards, and a
simpler overall implementation.
6. General Discussion Items
Fine arts 4th year exhibition "From Rathke's Pouch"
From March 27th to April 10th
Opening reception on March 27, 5:00-7:00 PM.
7. Action List
Lab List...
Lab meeting will be in CGL on April 2nd.
A|W and CGL get-together March 28
Please send Mike abstracts as soon as possible
Who's willing to book a room for the presentations?