CGL Meeting Agenda

Febuary 5th, 2003

DC 1304
1:30 PM
:-D Wayne Olive

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, February 12th, 2003
DC 1304
1:30 p.m.
  • :-D Guillaume Poirier
  • Technical presentation:
  • :-D Kevin Moule
  • 4. Forthcoming

    1. :-D Stuart Pollock (February 19th)
    2. :-D Tiberiu Popa (February 26th)
    3. :-D Zheng Qin (March 5th)
    Tech Presenters:
    1. :-D Wayne Olive (February 19th)
    2. :-D Guillaume Poirier (February 26th)
    3. :-D Stuart Pollock (March 5th)

    5. Technical Presentation

    :-D Michael McCool
    Stream Processing
    Stream processing is an enhanced version of SIMD processing that permits efficient execution of conditionals and iteration. Stream processors have many similarities to GPUs, and a hardware prototype, the Imagine processor, has been used to implement both OpenGL and Renderman. It is possible that GPUs will acquire certain properties of Stream processors in the future, which should make them much easier to use and more efficient for general-purpose computation that includes data-dependent iteration and conditionals. Link

    6. General Discussion Items

    7. Action List

    Lab List... Rob's List...

    8. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

  • Graphics Interface 2003
  • SIGGRAPH 2003
  • Graphics Hardware 2003
  • Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2003
  • IV 2003 (7th International Conference on INFORMATION VISUALISATION)
  • GMAG'03 (Geometric Modelling & Graphics)
  • 9. Director's Meeting

    10. Seminars and Events

    Monday, 3 February 2003, 11:00AM - Computer Science , DC 3314 [Newish]
    Ian Bell: -- Heaps and Heapsort
    Tuesday, 4 February 2003, 10:30AM - Computer Science , DC 1304 [Newish]
    Jeff Orchard: -- Scientific Computing in Medical Imaging: Accurate Patient Motion Correction in Functional MRI
    Wednesday, 5 February 2003, 10:30AM - Computer Science (SCG-Symbolic Computation Group), DC 1331
    Ha Le: -- Efficient Algorithms for Computing Minimal Z-pairs
    Wednesday, 5 February 2003, 2:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , MC 5158 [Newish]
    Levent Tuncel: -- Lift-and-Project Methods I
    Wednesday, 5 February 2003, 3:30PM - Computer Science (Algorithms and Complexity Group), DC 1304 [Newish]
    Mark Petrick: -- Morphing Polygons
    Wednesday, 5 February 2003, 3:30PM - Computer Science (Algorithms and Complexity Group), DC 1304 [Newish]
    Mark Petrick: -- Morphing Polygons
    Thursday, 6 February 2003, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 6091A
    Alina Carmen Cojocaru: -- Reductions of elliptic curves modulo primes
    Thursday, 6 February 2003, 3:30PM - Computer Science , DC 1304 [Newish]
    Professor Thomas L. Casavant: -- TrAPPS: Automated Knowledge Discovery for High-Throughput Disease Gene Mutation Screening
    Friday, 7 February 2003, 2:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 6091A [Newish]
    Maria Roginskaya: -- Decomposition of a measure on the sphere in Hausdorff dimensions and growth of its extension to the unit ball
    Friday, 7 February 2003 Moved to 3:30PM (link points to new notice) Combinatorics and Optimization , [Newish]
    Jim Geelan -- Extremal Problems in Matroid Theory
    Friday, 7 February 2003, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , MC 5158 [Newish]
    Jim Geelan: -- Extremal Problems in Matroid Theory
    Monday, 10 February 2003, 9:30AM - Combinatorics and Optimization , MC 5158 [Newish]
    Jochen Konemann: -- Primal-dual algorithms come of age: Approximating degree-bounded subgraph problems
    Monday, 10 February 2003, 10:30AM - Computer Science (SCG-Symbolic Computation Group), DC 1304 [New!]
    Sergei Abramov: -- Continuation of Holomorphic Solutions of Linear Difference Equations with Polynomial Coefficients
    Tuesday, 11 February 2003, 10:30AM - Computer Science , DC 1302 [Newish]
    Robert Bridson: -- Surface Dynamics in Computer Graphics
    Tuesday, 11 February 2003, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 5158 [Newish]
    Matt Papanikolas: -- Periods and algebraic independence in number theory
    Thursday, 13 February 2003, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 5136 [New!]
    Michael G. Sullivan: -- Counting holomorphic curves: "hard" results in symplectic geometry
    Thursday, 13 February 2003 Moved to Thursday, 27 February 2003 (link points to new notice) Pure Mathematics , [New!]
    Jeff Shallit -- Periodicity, Morphisms, and Matrices

    11. Lab Cleanup