Meeting Agenda
January 29th, 2003
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Chair:
| Kevin Moule |
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
- Coffee hour last week:
- Real
- Coffee hour this week:
- Guillaume
- Coffee hour next week:
- Kevin
3. Next meeting
- Date:
- Wednesday, February 5th, 2003
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30 p.m.
- Chair:
Wayne Olive
Technical presentation:
Michael McCool
4. Forthcoming
- Guillaume Poirier (February 12th)
- Stuart Pollock (February 19th)
- Tiberiu Popa (February 26th)
Tech Presenters:
- Kevin Moule (February 12th)
- Wayne Olive (February 19th)
- Guillaume Poirier (February 26th)
5. Technical Presentation
- Presenter:
- Celine Latulipe
- Title:
Best of UIST '02
- Abstract:
For those of you not fortunate enough to have visited Paris in the fall I
will give an overview of UIST '02 in DVD format.
6. General Discussion Items
- In addition to Steve's note about locking the machine room, make
sure the main lab is not open to the public unnecessarily. The
main lab door was found tethered open earlier this week with no
one in the lab.
7. Action List
- Espresso machine.
- A Lab Photo will be taken on friday during Coffee Hour.
- UofT visit.
- Rafal will organize this.
- Contact person at U. of T. is Karan Singh
- Lab meeting will be in CGL on March 12th and April 2nd.
8. Conferences and Special Journal Issues
Graphics Interface 2003
- Call for sketches & applications - Deadline: March 12, 2003
- Conference URL:
- Venue: July 27-31, 2003, San Diego, California
- Call for papers - Deadline: February 3, 2003
- Conference URL:
- Venue: September 1-6, 2003, Granada, Spain
Graphics Hardware 2003
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2003
- Call for abstract - Deadline: April 2, 2003
- Call for papers - Deadline: April 4, 2003
- Conference URL:
- Venue: June 25-27, 2003, Leuven, Belgium
IV 2003 (7th International Conference on INFORMATION VISUALISATION)
GMAG'03 (Geometric Modelling & Graphics)
9. Director's Meeting
10. Seminars and Events
Thursday, 30 January 2003, 10:30AM - Computer Science (Artifical Intelligence Group), DC 2306C
Craig Boutilier: -- Preference Elicitation as a Partially Observable Decision Process
Thursday, 30 January 2003, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 6091A
M. Ram Murty: -- On a conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer
Friday, 31 January 2003, 9:30AM - Faculty of Mathematics , MC 5158
Romy Shioda: -- Integer Optimization for Statistical Applications
Friday, 31 January 2003, 1:00PM - Computer Science , MC 5158
Laurent Mouchard: -- The assembly of the human genome from the computer scientist's viewpoint
Friday, 31 January 2003, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , MC 5158
Bruce Richter: -- Subsets of the Sphere that Uniquely Embed in the Sphere
Wednesday, 5 February 2003, 10:30AM - Computer Science (SCG-Symbolic Computation Group), DC 1331
Ha Le: -- Efficient Algorithms for Computing Minimal Z-pairs
Thursday, 6 February 2003, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 6091A
Alina Carmen Cojocaru: -- Reductions of elliptic curves modulo primes
Thursday, 6 February 2003, 3:30PM - Computer Science , DC 1304
Professor Thomas L. Casavant: -- TrAPPS: Automated Knowledge Discovery for High-Throughput Disease Gene Mutation Screening
11. Lab Cleanup