Meeting Agenda
December 18th, 2002
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Chair:
Celine Latulipe |
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
- Coffee hour last week:
- Steve and Celine
- Coffee hour this week:
- Fill your name here:
- Coffee hour next week:
- Fill your name here:
3. Next meeting
- Date:
- Wednesday, January 8th, 2002
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30 p.m.
- Chair:
Gladimir Baranoski
Technical presentation:
Rob Kroeger
4. Forthcoming
- Yi Lin (January 15th)
- Tim MacPherson (January 22th)
- Steve Mann (January 29th)
Tech Presenters:
- Celine Latulipe (January 15th)
- Gladimir Baranoski (January 22th)
- Yi Lin (January 29th)
5. Technical Presentation
- Presenter:
- Aravind Krishnaswarmy (December 18th)
- Title:
Parallel Realistic Image Synthesis
- Abstract:
One Scheduler to rule them all, One Algorithm to find them, One Socket to bring them all and on the Bus bind them.
6. General Discussion Items
- Pay Rick if you owe him money for the juice fund!
Hans-Peter Seidel is one of 11 winners of the 2003
Leibniz prizes. This is a sort of German Research
Pulitzer Prize. The official press notice can be
found at
Hans-Peter was at Waterloo as a PostDoc in CGL for a year, following with a timeas Asst. Professor in the department until leaping to a Full Professorship
at the University of Erlangen. He moved from there to Saarbrücken to head
the Graphics Group of the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik. The Max-Planck
institutes are German Centres of Excellence in various research disciplines,
not only in computer science, that are dotted about the country. It is there where
he receives the prize: 1.5 million Euros in strings-free research funding over
the next 5 years.
CGL has had a sometimes-continuing student exchange with Hans-Peter's group.
A notable alumnus of this exchange has been Wolfgang Heidrich, UW Math Sci MS
and Saarbrücken PhD, now an Asst. Professor in graphics and Kelly Booth mafioso
at UBC.
- ICR room booked next term from 1:30 - 2:30 every Wed. except January 22, March 12 and April 2.
7. Action List
- Espresso machine... Stu?
- Selina may drive to Toronto with the beast (volunteers to move the machine needed
- Rob has found out the estimate for the fix.
Two possible issues:
- Pressure control: 165 + 1hr labour at 50/hour.
- Heating element: 175 + 1-8hr labour.
- Bill is finding out prices for a new Gaggia Baby machine instead
- Lab photo
- UofT visit.
- Rafal will organize this.
- Contact person at U. of T. is Karan Singh
8. Conferences and Special Journal Issues
Graphics Interface 2003
- Call for papers - Deadline: January 22, 2003
- Call for sketches & applications - Deadline: March 12, 2003
- Conference URL:
- Venue: July 27-31, 2003, San Diego, California
- Call for papers - Deadline: February 3, 2003
- Conference URL:
- Venue: September 1-6, 2003, Granada, Spain
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2003
- Call for abstract - Deadline: April 2, 2003
- Call for papers - Deadline: April 4, 2003
- Conference URL:
- Venue: June 25-27, 2003, Leuven, Belgium
IV 2003 (7th International Conference on INFORMATION VISUALISATION)
GMAG'03 (Geometric Modelling & Graphics)
CGGM'2003 (Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling)
9. Director's Meeting
10. Seminars and Events
Wednesday, 18 December 2002, 3:00PM - Computer Science , DC1331
Steve Engels: -- Effects of Developmental Heuristics for Natural Language Learning
11. Garbage Collection