1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
Coffee hour last week:
Michael McCool
Coffee hour this week:
Fill your name here: Tibi?
Coffee hour next week:
Fill your name here: _______________________
3. Next meeting
Wednesday, September 25th, 2002
DC 1304
1:30 p.m.
Gladimir Baranoski (9th October)
Technical presentation:
Daming Yao
4. Forthcoming
Ian Bell (2nd October)
Alex Clarke (9th October)
Bill Cowan (16th October)
Tech Presenters:
Shalini Aggarwal (2nd October)
Gladimir Baranoski (9th October)
Ian Bell (16th October)
5. Technical Presentation
Real Xu
Title: UbiComp-Based Commonwealth
One of the interesting problems related to human-computer interaction is
how to provide a socially-informed design that guarantees everyones equal
right to enjoy ubiquitous computing service? Unlike current approach of
building information privacy agencies, I migrate the concept of
commonwealth and other results in social studies to develop a
ubicomp-based human computer interaction mechanism. In particular, I will
explain what is a UbiComp-Based Commonwealth, how it works and is
6. General Discussion Items
Alias|Wavefront is hiring again - Send rèsumès to our secret agent (Vincent Ma)
Coffee hour moved to Friday 3:00pm for the term to accomodate SCS Research Presentations
7. Action List
8. Conferences and Special Journal Issues
ISMAR 2002:The IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality