Meeting Agenda
April 24th, 2002
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 2:30 p.m.
- Chair:
Daniel Koch |
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
Coffee hour last week:
- Josée Lajoie
Coffee hour this week:
- Rafal Jaroszkiewicz
Coffee hour next week:
- ???
3. Next meeting
Wednesday, May 1st, 2002
CGL (DC 1304 in use)
2:30 p.m.
Tim Lahey
Technical presentation:
Rafal Jaroszkiewicz
4. Forthcoming
Josée Lajoie (May 8th)
Celine Latulipe (May 15th)
Rick (lil' Ricky) Leung (May 22nd)
Tech Presenters:
Daniel Koch
(May 8th)
Tim Lahey (May 15th)
Josée Lajoie (May 22nd)
5. Technical Presentation
Jiwen (Ann) Huo |
Introduction to Multi-Dimensional Data Visualization
Visualizing multidimensional data sets poses a series of interesting
computational and visual challenges. Lots of different techniques have been
used to visalize multidimensional data. In my presentation I will briefly
introduce some of the typical methods in this area, such as the Glyphs,
parallel coordinates, nested coordinates and the hierarchical
clusters of data sets.
6. General Discussion Items
- Need to book DC 1304 for next term. What time?
7. Action List
- Visit to Side Effects Software happened yesterday
- Been there, done that, got the T-shirt!
8. Conferences and Special Journal Issues
Graphics Hardware 2002
Paper submission deadline: 15 April 2002 Closed
General URL:
Venue: Saarbruecken, Germany (hosted by the MPII), right before Eurographics,
which will be held in the same place (a two-for-one special).
Eighth Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments (EGVE) 2002
Graphics Interface 2002
Curves and Surfaces
Computer Animation Festival deadline: 6 March 2002 Closed
Sketches deadline: 13 March 2002 Closed
General URL:
Conference URL:
Venue: 21-26 July 2002, San Antonio, TX
ACM Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA'02), San Antonio, July 21-22
Acceptance notices: April 20, 2002
Final Revisions due: June 1, 2002
UIST 2002
CVE 2002
- All material submission deadline: May 1st, 2002.
- Conference URL:
- Venue: September 30th- October 2nd, 2002, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn,
IEEE Visualization 2002
- Call for papers - Deadline past
- Call for posters - Deadline June 28th
- Conference URL: Visualization 2002
- Venue: October 27 - November 1, 2002, The Boston Park Plaza Hotel
Eurographics 2002 Conference
- Call for short paper/Poster - Deadline EXTENDED to April 26, 2002
- Conference URL:
- Venue: Sept. 2 - Sept. 6, 2002 in Saarbr|cken, Germany
ISMAR 2002:The IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and
Augmented Reality
- Call for papers - Deadline May 15, 2002
- Conference URL:
- Venue: Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2002 in Darmstadt, Germany
7th Vision, Modeling, and Visualization Workshop (2002)
Conference on Computer Graphics and Spatial Information 2002
9. Director's Meeting
10. Seminars and Events
- Wednesday, 24 April 2002, 3:30PM - Computer Science , DC 1331
- Dana Wilkinson: -- Studying Bounded-Degree Independent Sets
- Thursday, 25 April 2002, 10:30AM - Computer Science , DC 1302
- Gisli Hjaltason: -- Incremental Algorithms for Proximity Queries
- Friday, 26 April 2002, 1:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 5045
- Dejan Delic: -- Decidability of locally finite discriminator varieties with group stalks, Part III
- Friday, 26 April 2002, 2:00PM - Computer Science , DC 1331
- Sunny Lam: -- WebQA: A Web Querying System That Uses A QA Approach
Monday, April 29 at 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon in DC1304
- Databases Seminar by Philip Bernstein, Microsoft Research,
- "Generic Model Management - A Database Infrastructure for Schema Manipulation".
- Monday, 29 April 2002, 12:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , Math & Computer, Room 5136
- Todd Brun: -- IQC Colloquium - Information Flow in Quantum Mechanics
11. Lab Cleanup