CGL Meeting Agenda

November 7th, 2001

DC 1304
1:30 p.m.
Tim MacPherson

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Alex Clarke
Coffee hour this week:
Patrick Gilhuly
Coffee hour next week:

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, November 14th, 2001
DC 1304
1:30 p.m.
:-D Stephen Mann
Technical presentation:
:-D Vincent Ma

4. Forthcoming


  1. :-D Michael McCool (November 21st)
  2. :-D Joanne McKinley (November 28th)
  3. :-D Kevin Moule (December 5th)

Tech Presenters:

  1. :-D Tim MacPherson (November 21st)
  2. :-D Stephen Mann (November 28th)
  3. :-D Michael McCool (December 5th)

5. Technical Presentation

Bonny Liu

Title: General-Purpose Gamut-Mapping Algorithms: Evaluation of Contrast-Preserving Rescaling Functions for Color Gamut Mapping

Abstract: A series of experiments were performed to test a set of general purpose gamut mapping functions. Results of these rexperiments showed the vast improvements were obtained when linear lightness and chroma rescaling functions are replaced with contrast-preserving lightness and chroma rescaling functions.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Conferences and Special Journal Issues

  • The 2nd annual Interuniversity Workshop on Human Factors Engineering
  • UIST 2001 (November 11-14th, Orlando, Florida)
  • Graphics Interface 2002
  • SIGGRAPH 2002
  • Third International Conference -- Virtual Reality and its Application in Industry
  • Graphics Hardware 2002
  • Eighth Europgraphics Workshop on Virtual Environments (EGVE) 2002
  • 9. Director's Meeting

    10. Seminars and Events

     Thursday, 8 November 2001
       Memory Allocation and Fragmentation
       John Johansen, PLG - Programming Logic Group,
       University of Waterloo,
       2:30pm, DC3548
     Tuesday, 13 November 2001
       Fractal Dimensions and the Uncertainty Principle in Harmonic Analysis
       Kathryn Hare - Pure Mathematics,
       University of Waterloo,
       3:30pm, MC5158
     Tuesday, 13 November 2001
       Generalizing the Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm
       John Lawrence - Pure Mathematics,
       University of Waterloo,
       1:30pm, MC5045
     Friday, 9 November 2001
       Patterns in Three Dimensional Water Waves
       Walter Craig - Pure Mathematics,
       University of Waterloo,
       3:30pm, MC5158
     Friday, 9 November 2001
       Graphics Accelerators: State of the Art
       Michael McCool, Mauro Steigleder, CGL - Computer Graphics Lab,
       University of Waterloo,
       1:00pm, DC1304
     Friday, 9 November 2001
       The Mathematics of JPEG
       Heinz Bauschke, Combinatorics and Optimization,
       University of Waterloo,
       3:30pm, MC5136
     Thursday, 8 November 2001
       Measuring the Predictive Capability of Computational Models: Technical and Management Issues
       Rob Easterling, Statistics and Actuarial Science,
       University of Waterloo,
       3:30pm, MC5158
     Wednesday, 7 November 2001
       Uniform distribution, large periods and cryptographic applications
       John Friedlander, 
       University of Toronto,
       3:30pm, MC5158

    11. Lab Cleanup