Bonny Liu |
Tech Presenters:
Rick Leung |
Title: Bubble Model Volume Renderer
Abstract: The bubble model is originally proposed to be a simple and highly interactive volume rendering technique. In the tech presentation, I'll present the original model, along with my simplified implementation (and the consequences).
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 Drawing outer-planar graphs in O(n log n) area Therese Biedl, Algorithms and Complexity Group, University of Waterloo 3:30pm, DC1304
Thursday, October 25, 2001 Consistency Maintenance in Groupware Systems via Operation Transforms: Theory and Programming Language Support in ML Brad Lushman, Programming Languages Group, University of Waterloo 2:30pm, DC 3548
Friday, October 26, 2001 A DMBS Perspective on Update of Kernel Data in Linux Henry Yu, Database Group, University of Waterloo 2:00pm, DC 1331
Friday, October 26, 2001 Penalty methods for American options Peter Forsyth, Scientific Computing Group, University of Waterloo 3:00pm, DC 1302