CGL Meeting Agenda

August 29, 2001

1:30 p.m.
Margaret Dulat

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Selina Siu
Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:
Vincent Ma

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, September 5, 2001
1:30 p.m.
:-D Patrick Gilhuly
Technical presentation:
:-D Margaret Dulat

4. Forthcoming


  1. :-D Ian Bell (September 12)
  2. :-D Rafal Jaroszkiewicz (September 19)
  3. :-D Daniel Koch (September 26)

Tech Presenters:

  1. :-D Patrick Gilhuly(September 12)
  2. :-D Ian Bell (September 19)
  3. :-D Rafal Jaroszkiewicz (September 26)

5. Technical Presentation

Bill Cowan

Title: How to hang a spoon

Abstract: Many otherwise well-read students are unaware of Joe Martin's classic, How to Hang a Spoon. The purpose of this talk is to introduce the important technical innovations he introduced into the art of spoon-hanging, and also to give an overview of the philosophy of intellectual life that he espoused, a philosophy more often associated with an earlier thinker, George Kauffman, and one that has a living tradition going back to the pre-Socratics.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Conferences

9. Director's Meeting

10. Seminars

Wednesday, 29 August 2001, 4:00PM - Computer Science , DC 3313 Trausti Kristjansson: -- Simultaneous learning of nonlinear and linear distortion of speech in a Generalized EM Framework

Thursday, August 30, 2001, 1:30PM - Computer Science, DC 1304 Jodi Moran, graduate student: -- Master's Thesis Presentation " Quantitative Testing of Probabilistic Phase Unwrapping Methods

11. Lab Cleanup