Meeting Minutes
August 22, 2001
- Location:
- DC1304
- Time:
- 1:30 p.m.
- Chair:
Bill Cowan |
0. Attendance
Shalini Aggarwal, Jason Ang, Gladimir Baranoski, Bill Cowan, Margaret Dulat,
Patrick Gilhuly, Rafal Jaroszkiewicz, Tim Lahey, Vincent Ma, Stephen Mann,
Joanne McKinley, Kevin Moule, Wayne Olive, Selina Siu, Mauro Steigleder,
Wai-Min Yee
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
- Coffee hour last week:
- Ian Bell
- Coffee hour this week:
- Selina Siu
- Coffee hour next week:
- ???
- Coffee hour the week after
- Vincent Ma
3. Next meeting
- Date:
- Wednesday, August 29, 2001
- Location:
- DC1304
- Time:
- 1:30 p.m.
- Chair:
- Margaret Dulat
- Technical presentation:
- Ian Bell
4. Forthcoming
- Patrick Gilhuly (September 05)
- Daniel Koch (September 12)
- Tim Lahey (September 19)
Tech Presenters:
- Bill Cowan(September 05)
- Margaret Dulat (September 12)
- Daniel Koch (September 19)
5. Technical Presentation
- Presenter:
Gladimir Baranoski |
- Title: Simulating the Aurora
6. General Discussion Items
Jason Ang: Stuff on PC disks will vanish one of these days.
7. Action List
- September 6th, 2.00pm, Open house for new grad students.
8. Conferences
- UIST 2001 (November 11-14th, Orlando, Florida)
- New this year - Interface Design Contest
(design unique interface to a real-time game and then play the game
against others at the conference)
- Graphics Interface 2002
- paper deadline: November 18, 2001
- Computer Graphics Forum - Cover Competition 2001 - August 31st
- example
- first prize winner = 300 Swiss Francs (that's $267.892CAD according
to XE)
- Gladimir: "This is a good challenge for the artistic productions of
CGL. If any CGL member wins it, it would a good exposure for the lab
as well."
- send results via email attachments to Claudio
9. Director's Meeting
10. Seminars
- Jodi Moran, Quantitative Testing of Probabilistic Phase Unwrapping
Methods, M.Math. presentation, Thursday, 23 August at 1.30 PM,
(it *is* the end of term, ya know.)
11. Lab Cleanup