CGL Meeting Agenda

August 01, 2001

1:30 p.m.
Erkan Akyuz

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
  Michael McCool
Coffee hour this week:
  Celine Latulipe
Coffee hour next week:

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, August 8, 2001
1:30 p.m.
Gladimir Baranoski  :-D
Technical presentation:
Jason Ang  :-D

4. Forthcoming

  1. Ian Bell (August 15) :-D
  2. Bill Cowan (August 22) :-D
  3. Margaret Dulat (August 29) :-D

Tech Presenters:

  1. Erkan Akyuz (August 15) :-D
  2. Gladimir Baranoski (August 22) :-D
  3. Ian Bell (August 29) :-D

5. Technical Presentation

Shalini Aggarwal

Title: Better Boundary Curves for Cylindrical Surface Pasting.

Abstract: Surface Pasting is a modeling technique for adding local detail to a surface without increasing surface complexity. Standard surface pasting attached a feature surface to a base surface. Cylindrical pasting was introduced to extend the applications of pasting to blending. It forms a low degree, interactive blend between two base surfaces using a tensor product B-spline cylindrical feature. In my talk I will give an overview of the process used to achieve this. The current implementation of cylindrical pasting often results in undesirable distortion of the cylinder. I will discuss this issue and possible ideas to resolve the problem.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Conferences

9. Director's Meeting

10. Seminars

Wednesday, 01 August 2001, 3:30PM - Computer Science , DC 1304
Mark van Hoeij:: -- Factoring polynomials and the knapsack problem
Wednesday, 02 August 2001, 2:00PM - Computer Science , DC 1304
Shaojun Wang: -- A Unified Probabilistic Framework for Statistical Language Modelin
Wednesday, 07 August 2001, 1:30PM - Computer Science , DC 1304
Meyer Tanuan: -- Automated Analysis of Unified Modeling Language (UML) Specifications
Wednesday, 07 August 2001, 9:30AM - Computer Science , DC 1331
Zarrin Langari: -- Classification of Dictionary Senses - Experiments with the Oxford English Dictionary
Wednesday, 07 August 2001, 1:00PM - Computer Science , DC 1304
Jerry Tsou:: -- The design of a framework for e-commerce applications
Wednesday, 07 August 2001, 2:00PM - Computer Science , DC 1331
Amit Dubey: -- Tuning Probabilistic Parsers with Plain Text

11. Lab Cleanup