Meeting Agenda
April 11th, 2001
DC 1304
2:30 p.m.
The Vince |
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
Coffee hour this week:
- volunteers?
Coffee hour next week:
- volunteers?
3. Next meeting
Wednesday, April 18th, 2001
2:30 p.m.
Tim MacPherson (April 18th)
Technical presentation:
Celine Latulipe (April 18th)
4. Forthcoming
Bonny Liu(April 25th)
Michael McCool (May 2nd)
Joanne McKinley(May 9th)
Tech Presenters:
Josée Lajoie (April 25th)
Bonny Liu (May 2nd)
The Vince (May 9th)
5. Technical Presentation
Rick (MS-07B-3) Leung |
Towards Seamless Support of Natural Collaborative Interactions
Due to the single-user paradigm imposed by the typical computer
interface, the level of collaboration and interaction conducted by
people in a computerized environment is often minimal compared to the
real-life counterparts. In order to shed some light on how this
situation could be improved, this study examines children's natural
interactions when working with a physical medium compared to a
computer-based environment.
6. General Discussion Items
- What's up with the weather lately?
- Why is it that it's so darned cold in the lab these
- Why is the vince so weird?
7. Action List
8. Conference Deadlines
- SIGGRAPH Eurographics Graphics Hardware Workshop - paper deadline April 11th
- Eurographics 2001: John Lansdown Multimedia Award for innovative multimedia content
- Pacific Graphics, Japan, Oct 16 - 18, 2001
- Paper submission deadline: April 30, 2001
- Computer Animation 2001, Seoul, Korea, November 6th-8th, 2001
- UIST 2001 (November 11-14th, Orlando, Florida)
- Paper, tech note, and demos submission deadline is May 11th
- New this year - Interface Design Contest
(design unique interface to a real-time game and then play the game against others at the conference)
- Conference Homepage -
9. Director's Meeting
- Enlighten us, O'Fearless Leaders.
10. Seminars
- Wednesday, 11 April 2001, 2:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 5045
- Ken Harrison: -- Complexity of worst-case identification of linear systems
- Wednesday, 11 April 2001, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , Math & Computer, Room 5136
- Petra Huhn: -- Combinatorial Optimization Seminar - Probabilistic Analysis of Interior Point Methods for Linear Programs
- Thursday, 12 April 2001, 2:00PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , Math & Computer, Room 5136
- Warren Hagey: -- A Survey of the Primal-Dual Method for Approximation Algorithms
- Monday, 16 April 2001, 10:30AM - Computer Science , DC 1304
- Joerg Sanders: -- Hierarchical Clustering for Knowledge Discovery in Databases
- Monday, 16 April 2001, 3:30PM - Combinatorics and Optimization , Math & Computer, Room 5136
- Charles Lam: -- Cryptography Seminar - Randomness of Several Elliptic Curve Sequences
- Tuesday, 17 April
2001, 9:00AM-12:30PM - TRACE, Math & Computer, Room 2017
- Facilitated by Donna Ellis -- TRACE Skills-based Workshop on "Course
Register at
11. Lab Cleanup
If you're happy the vince is done talking, clap your hands!
If you're happy the vince is done yapping, stomp your feet!
la la la...