CGL Meeting Agenda

March 7, 2001

DC 1304
2:30 p.m.
Daniel Koch :-)

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Jason Ang
Coffee hour next week:
Joanne McKinley

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, March 14th, 2001
2:30 p.m.
Josée Lajoie (March 14th) :-)
Technical presentation:
Gerhard Roth (National Research Centre) :-)
Title: Solving the correspondence problem for image sequences.

Abstract: One of the key problems in vision is the correspondence problem. Given two overlapping images, the goal is to find the matching 2D projections of the same 3D image features. In this talk we will describe a system which uses robust statistics and projective vision to solve the correspondence problem. What is new is the fact that the resulting correspondences are automatically computed in unstructured natural scenes, and are very reliable. It is also true that this can be accomplished for images for which nothing is known about the camera, what are called un-calibrated image sequences.

The goal is to use this ability in a number of tasks, one of which is to perform augmented reality in real-time. The talk will be illustrated by a number of results which show our ability to solve the correspondence problem for difficult sequences, and in doing so reliably compute the camera positions.

4. Forthcoming

  1. Celine Latulipe (March 21st) :-)
  2. Rick Leung (March 28th) :-(
  3. Bonny Liu (April 4th) :-(

Tech Presenters:

  1. Patrick Gilhuly (March 21th) :-)
  2. Rafal Jaroszkiewicz (March 28th) :-(
  3. Daniel Koch (April 4th) :-)

5. Technical Presentation


Margaret Dulat :-)

Symmetric Bimanual Interaction.

I'm going to talk about this CHI 2000 paper by Ravin Balakrishnan and Ken Kinckley. It looks at factors that influence performance on bimanual tasks for which each hand is assigned an identical symmetric role. It shows that when given these symmetric tasks, subjects don't always perform the task in a parallel and symmetric way.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Conference Deadlines

9. Director's Meeting

10. Seminars

Thursday, 8 March 2001, 10:30AM - Computer Science , DC1304
Mark Giesbrecht: -- Recent Progress on Computing with Sparse Integer Matrices

Thursday, 8 March 2001, 3:30PM - Statistics & Actuarial Science , PAS (Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology) Room 2030
(1) Donna Ciliska, RN, PhD (2) Pat Fisher, MA (3) Michelle Sangster, MA: -- Development and Evaluation of a Binge Drinking Media Campaign: Highlighting findings and lessons learned from a Web-based Survey of Post-secondary Students.

Thursday, 8 March 2001, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 5136
Professor Kim Nguyen: -- Explicit arithmetic of Brauer groups

Monday, 12 March 2001, 11:00AM - Computer Science (Databases Group), DC 1304
Mitch Chermiack: -- User Profiles for Data Recharging

11. Lab Cleanup