CGL Meeting Agenda

February 14, 2001

DC 1304
2:30 p.m.
Patrick Gilhuly  :-)

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, February 21, 2001
2:30 p.m.
Rafel Jaroszkiewicz  :-)
Technical presentation:
Bill Cowan  :-)

4. Forthcoming

  1. Daniel Koch (March 7th) :-(
  2. Tim Lahey (March 14th) :-)
  3. Josee Lajoie (March 21st) :-)

Tech Presenters:

  1. Margaret Dulat (March 7th) :-)
  2. Patrick Gilhuly (March 14th) :-)
  3. Rafel Jaroszkiewicz (March 21st) :-(

5. Technical Presentation


Ian Bell :-)

Displaying Black-and-White Images Faithfully
Ansel Adams was a master of black-and-white photography. I am interested in how his approach to tone reproduction can be adapted for digital photography. As a first step, however, I have to show you his photographs, and this turns out to be non-trivial if you want to be true to the original images. I will show some of Ansel Adams' photographs, and talk about how I reproduced them.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars

10:30am Thursday, February 15
Alex Lopez-Ortiz, Engineering a Set Intersection Algorithm for Information Retrieval
DC 1302

10:30am Thursday, February 15
B Ingalls, Stability of Nonlinear Control Systems: Input to Output Stability
MC 5158

3:30pm Thursday, February 15
Julia L. Wirch, Distortion Risk Measures and Their Application
MC 5158

3:30pm Friday, February 16
Tamas Terlasky, Interior versus Simplex Methods: Pros and Cons
MC 5158

10am Monday, February 19
Patrick Gilhuly, Using OpenGL for Video Streaming
DC 1302

3:30pm Monday, February 19
Doug Stinson, Cryptography Seminar
MC 5136

3:30pm Monday, February 19
Mu Zhu, Feature Extraction (statistics)
MC 5158

10. Lab Cleanup