Meeting Agenda - 2000.12.06
December 6th, 2000
1:30 p.m.
Chris Wales
Member List
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
Coffee hour last week:
- (Nobody)
Coffee hour this week:
Wayne Olive
Coffee hour next week:
3. Next meeting
Wednesday, December 13th, 2000
1:30 p.m.
Daming Yao (December 13th)
Technical presentation:
Chris O'Sullivan (December 13th)
4. Forthcoming
Wai-Min Yee (December 20th)
Erkan Akyuz (January 3rd)
Jason Ang (January 10th)
Tech Presenters:
Selina Siu (December 20th)
Daming Yao (January 3rd)
Wai-Min Yee (January 10th)
5. Technical Presentation
- Presenter:
Chris Wales
- Title:
Hardware implementation of a rasterizer using HandelC
- Abstract:
A short tale about my experiences implementing a rasterizer in hardware using HandelC. Expected: an overview of HandelC, an overview of the rasterization algorithm and some black and white ASCII art of what looks like triangles.
6. General Discussion Items
A second volume of Game Programming Gems is being compiled. You can find out
more about it at
The deadline for Gem proposals is December 25th.
-- Anis Ahmad
Xmas party at Bill's place on the 14th of December, sometime after 6:00 PM.
7. Action List
8. Director's Meeting
Talk of replacing undergrad lab terminals
9. Seminars
Thursday, 7 December 2000, 10:30AM - Computer Science , DC 1304
Professor Laks V.S. Lakshmanan: -- Constraints and Structures in Data Mining Structures in Data Mining
Thursday, 7 December 2000, 2:30PM - Computer Science , DC 1304
Eric Lee: -- Software Comprehension Cross Levels of Abstraction
10. Lab Cleanup