Vincent Ma
The R-Tree is a hierarchical spatial data structure that can be used
to store d-dimensional geometric objects. It allows for efficient
spatial queries on these geometric objects. I will discuss some
variants of the R-tree, their pros and cons, their implementation,
and some potential applications in graphics.
6. General Discussion Items
7. Action List
DGP Visit to happen November 25th. Kevin and Joanna are organizing;
send them titles and abstracts soon...
8. Director's Meeting
Postponed to 5:00 today. Putting together equipment grant for video
equipment... send email to wbcowan ASAP if have any special requests or
9. Seminars
- Wednesday, 4 October 2000, 3:30PM - Computer Science (Networks Group),
DC 1331
Yanni Ellen Lui: -- Deadline Based Network Resource Management
Thursday, 12 October 2000, 3:30PM - Pure Mathematics , MC 6091A
Michele Mosca: -- Quantum Computer Algorithms
- Donald Knuth,
"The Art of Computer Programming: All Questions
Answered" on October 18 at 3:30 p.m., the Humanities Theatre
- Donald Knuth,
"Randomization and Religion", Wednesday, October 18, at 8 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre,
- Donald Knuth,
"All Other Questions Answered" October 19 at 3:30 p.m., the Humanities Theatre
- Donald Knuth,
"God and Computer Science," Thursday, October 19, at 8 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre,
- Donald Knuth,
"The Joy of Asymtotics," for the faculty of mathematics on October 20 at 2:30 p.m.,
10. Lab Cleanup