Teresa Ge
Solving Inverse
Kinematics Constraint Problems for Highly Articulated Models
I will talk about inverse kinematic problems, different techniques to
singular value decomposition for a matrix, and object avoidance methods
in a redundant system.
Analyzing Multi-Threaded Program Performance with uProfiler
Dorota Zak
Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Threads are widely supported by many operating systems and languages
to allow concurrency
in both uni-processor and multi-processor architectures. They can be
used as a program
structuring tool in the uni-processor environment or to accelerate
the execution of an
application in the multi-processor environment. Unfortunately, the
actual behaviour of a
multi-threaded program is often quite different from expectations and
frequently does not
achieve desired performance.
Since good performance is important to users and performance tuning
is not easy,
programmers need profiling tools to help them understand program execution
and find its hot
spots and bottlenecks. Profiling tools usually contain several metrics
to let users select a
metric or metrics that provide the best understanding of a program's
run-time behaviour.
This talk describes the design and implementation of a profiler, called
uProfiler, for the
uC++ user-level thread library that can execute in uni-processor and
shared-memory environments. Four new built-in metrics are presented,
each characterizing
various aspects of program behaviour, giving users an opportunity to
view an execution from
different perspectives.
DATE: Tuesday, September 12, 2000
TIME: 2:30 p.m.
PLACE: MC 5136
SPEAKER:Dr. Frank Berkshire
Imperial College of Science,
Technology and Medicine
London, UK
Symmetries correspond to conservation laws and, if there is a sufficient
number of them, then dynamics is ordered, in physical, biological chemical,
economic..... systems.
When this full symmetry is broken, any conservation laws that remain
prevent dynamical collapse to a singularity and/or inhibit the emergence
and development of chaos.
Examples featured in this lecture should include:
(1) The cubic Schrodinger equation, which is
ordered for the case of
one space dimension plus time (with soliton solutions), exhibits a
'blow-up' singularity in higher dimensions for suitable initial data.
is a direct parallel with total collapse in the classical gravitational
n-body problem and possible applications to other wave systems.
(2) Order and chaos in idealised billiards systems
are dependent on
the shape of the enclosure and any resulting symmetries.
(3) The dynamical evolution of the motion of
a die moving chaotically
is too sensitive to predict, but the stochastic consequences of broken
symmetry are quantifiable.