CGL Meeting Agenda - 2000.05.24

May 24th, 2000

1:30 p.m.
Jasmin Patry :-)

Member List

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Shalini Aggarwal
Coffee hour this week:
Jasmin Patry
Coffee hour next week:

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, May 31st, 2000
1:30 p.m.
Selina Siu :-)
Technical presentation:
Kevin Moule :-(

4. Forthcoming

  1. Mauro Steigleder (June 7th) :-)
  2. Daming Yao (June 14th) :-)
  3. Mark Zadel (June 21st) :-)
Tech Presenters:
  1. Chris O'Sullivan (June 7th) :-(
  2. Selina Siu (June 14th) :-)
  3. Mauro Steigleder (June 21st) :-)

5. Technical Presentation


Michael McCool :-)


Rasterization Revisited


Rasterization is a critical component of forward-projection high-performance rendering systems. The OpenGL conceptual model is in fact based on a rasterization algorithm that introduces some unnecessary limitations.

In particular, rasterization based on edge-plane tests, as opposed to edge tracking, is highly parallelizable, does not require hither or yon clips, resolves on-edge conditions consistently, is consistent with efficient hyperbolic interpolation, and has a relatively simple setup.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars

Wednesday, 24 May 2000 at 3:30
Computer Science - Algorithms and Complexity Group: Seminar

   Title:    "A Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for the Closest
             Substring Problem"
   Speaker:  Bin Ma, Computer Science, University of Waterloo
   Location: DC1304
     We consider the following problem: 
     Closest Substring:  Given $n$ strings $s_1$,$s_2$,...,$s_n$ over an
     alphabet  $\Sigma$, and an integer $L$, find a length $L$ substring
     $t_i$  of each $s_i$ and a length $L$ string $s$, minimizing 
     $d=max_{i=1..n} d(s,t_i)$. 
     This problem was proved NP-hard, so it does not have a polynomial-time
     algorithm unless P=NP.  We present a polynomial-time approximation 
     scheme for it. 
     The problem is useful in drug-target search, etc.

                         Combinatorics and Optimization 
                        Wednesday, 24 May 2000 at 10:30AM
		 ** MOVED TO ** Thursday, 25 May 2000 at 3:00PM
        Cryptography Seminar - Security Analysis for Implicit Certificates
                                   Daniel Brown
          Dept. of Combinatorics & Optimization, University of Waterloo

      Standard (explicit) certificates authentiacte user's public keys with
     a digital signature of a certificate authority.   Implicit
     certificates also authenticate user's public keys but  do not directly
     use a digital signature.  In an implicit certificate the public key is
     first reconstructed, then used and lastly authenticated.
     Authentication takes place only after the reconstructed public key is
     used successfully in another public key cryptographic scheme. This
     talk will look at a particular implicit certificate scheme and a
     formal proof of its security.

Friday, 26 May 2000 at 2:00PM
Computer Science - Databases Group: Seminar

   Title:    "Applications of AML"
   Speaker:  Arun  Marathe, Computer Science, University of Waterloo
   Location: DC1331, ICR Boardroom
     I shall present several applications of the Array Manipulation
     Language (AML) that we have designed to manipulate array data. 
     Applications include wavelet reconstruction, JPEG-based still image
     compression, and several queries from the satellite image processing
     domain.  Array manipulations in these and other queries are highly
     structured and it will be seen how AML captures such regularities. 
     I shall also present query evaluation times for these Queries (except
     JPEG) on an iterator-based AML evaluator.  For fun, I shall compare
     these times with running times of the C++ programs that I wrote for
     the same queries.

                         Combinatorics and Optimization 
                          Friday, 26 May 2000 at 3:30PM
                            Math & Computer, Room 5158
            Tutte Colloquium - Recent progress on the crossing number
                               Prof. Bruce Richter
          Dept. of Combinatorics & Optimization, University of Waterloo

      More than 25 years ago, Harary, Kainen and Schwenk conjectured that
     the crossing number of the Cartesian product of an $m$-cycle with an
     $n$-cycle is $(m-2)n$, for $3\le m\le n$.  Progress has been slow,
     with $cr(C_5\times C_5)=15$ only being proved in 1995, fifteen years
     after $C_4\times C_n$ was shown to be 2n. In this talk, some general
     results about planar configurations related to drawings of $C_m\times
     C_n$ will be described, together with applications to the crossing
     numbers of $C_6\times C_n$ and $C_7\times C_n$.

                                Pure Mathematics 
                          Monday, 29 May 2000 at 3:30PM
                                     MC 5158A
                 The Model Theory of Algebraically Closed Fields
                                     Dan Cook
              Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo

      Model theory (a branch of mathematical logic) can express properties
     of algebraic subsets of complex n-space.  To begin with, if F is an
     algebraically closed field, the first-order definable subsets of F^n
     are precisely the constructible subsets of algebraic geometry. 

     I shall introduce the Morley rank of a first-order formula, and show a
     characterization of Morley rank in the setting of algebraically closed
     fields.  In this case, the Morley rank of a formula is equal to the
     topological dimension of the constructible set which it defines.

                                Pure Mathematics 
                          Tuesday, 30 May 2000 at 3:30PM
                                     MC 5136
                     Algebraic aspects of discrete tomography
                              Professor R. Tijdeman
          Mathematical Institute, University of Leiden, The Netherlands

      Discrete tomography concerns the reconstruction of 0-1-arrays from all
     the line sums in a few directions. Techniques for discrete tomography
     are being used in medical sciences. Usually the system is
     underdetermined and additional conditions like convexity of the 1's
     are needed to make the reconstruction possible. We first analyze the
     set of solutions over the integers having the required line sums. This
     leads to an approximate solution which differs from the original
     configuration by at most a prescribed amount. By additional techniques
     we have developed an algorithm which at least for small sizes yields
     satisfactory results. This is joint work with Lajos Hajdu (Debrecen).

 Refreshments will be provided at the talk. Everyone is welcome to attend.

10. Lab Cleanup