Meeting Agenda - 2000.04.26
May 3rd, 2000
- Location:
- DC1304
- Time:
- 1:30 a.m.
- Chair:
Michael McCool
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
- Coffee hour last week:
- ???
- Coffee hour this week:
- Rob Kroeger
- Coffee hour next week:
- ???
3. Next meeting
- Date:
- Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Location:
- DC1304
- Time:
- 1:30 p.m. ?
- Chair:
Kevin Moule
- Technical presentation:
Vincent Ma
4. Forthcoming
Chris O'Sullivan (May 17th)
Jasmin Patry (May 24th)
Pascale Proulx (May 31st)
Tech Presenters:
??? (May 17th) GI-2K glitch
Mike McCool (May 24th)
Kevin Moule (May 31st)
5. Technical Presentation
- Presenter:
Marryat Ma
- Title:
The Direct Manipulation of Pasted Surfaces
- Abstract:
In this talk, I will give an update on the research for my Master's
degree. I will describe three methods for the direct manipulation of
pasted surfaces. These method are based on Bartels and Beatty's
technique for the direct manipulation of B-spline curves. I will
discuss the disadvantages of the first two and how they resulted in
the development of the third method. Finally, I will show a short
movie illustrating these methods.
6. General Discussion Items
7. Action List
CS788 Organizational meeting, May 4th, 9am, DC2102.
See uw.cgl for description.
Grant applications to USENIX conference; see Robyn Landers
rblanders@math, and
UIST submission deadline is May 9th
Graphics Interfaces Conference: May 15-17, Montreal.
SIGGRAPH early registration is June 16th
8. Director's Meeting
There wasn't one.
9. Seminars
10. Lab Cleanup