CGL CGL Meeting Agenda, March 15, 2000

Location: DC1304
Time: 11:30 am
Sofa: Rob Kroeger

1. Pathogenesis of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

This Week Next week
? ?

3. Subsequent Meetings

Date Sofa Sofa Picture Presenter Presenter Picture
March 22 Tim Lahey Dmitri Kondramachine :-(
March 29 Josee Lajoie Robert Kroeger :-(
April 5 Celine Latulipe Tim Lahey

4. Technical Presentation: Integrating both sides of the brain here at Waterloo.


I will be discussing courses being taught here at waterloo that are using computer graphic programs to achieve artistic ends.

5. General Discussion Items

6. Action List

7. Director's Meeting

We talked about

8. Seminars

  • Monday, 24 April 2000 at 10:30AM

    DC 1302
    Todd Munson

    University of Wiscons


    Complementarity relationships can be used to model phenomena arising
    in various disciplines such aseconomics (computable general
    equilibria), engineering (contact problems), finance (American options
    pricing), and optimization first order optimality conditions).The
    complementarity problem is introducedusing the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker
    conditions of linear programming and further developed by looking at a
    spatial equilibrium model of the world dairy market. An algorithm for
  • 9. Baker's Treadmill Garbage Collection