CGL Meeting Agenda- 1999.12.01

December 1st, 1999

DC 1304
1:30 p.m.
Jason Ang   P-/

Member List

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Shalini Aggarwal
Coffee hour next week:
Uncle Chretien wants you!

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, December 8th, 1999
1:30 p.m.
Henri Tan :-)
Technical presentation:
Shalini Aggarwal :-)

4. Forthcoming

  1. Daming Yao (December 15th) 8-)
  2. Ian Bell (December 22nd) 8-)
  3. Blair Conrad (January 5th)8-)
Tech Presenters:
  1. Jason Ang (December 15th)8-)
  2. Henri Tan (December 22nd)8-)
  3. Daming Yao (January 5th)8-)

5. Technical Presentation

Selina Siu   8-)
Bipartite Edge Colouring in O(delta*m) Time
I will give an algorithm presented by Schrijver to edge colour bipartite graphs. I will also give a demonstration of the implementation of the algorithm. This is part of my cs760k (Advanced Graph Algorithms) project.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars

Wednesday, 1 December 1999, 3:30PM - Computer Science (Algorithms and Complexity Group), DC 1304
Timothy Chan: -- The Dynamic Planar Convex Hull Problem
Wednesday, 1 December 1999, 4:30PM - Computer Science Club, MC 2066
Jan Gray: -- Homebrew Processors and Integrated Systems in FPGAs

Thursday, 2 December 1999, 2:30PM - Pure Mathematics, MC 5045
David Kribs: -- The curvature invariant of a non-commuting $n$-tuple of operators
Thursday, 2 December 1999, 3:30PM - Statistics & Actuarial Science , Math & Computer, Room 6091A
Dr. Daniel Carr: -- New Templates and Interactive Methods for Visualizing Statistical Summaries
Thursday, 2 December 1999, 1:30PM - Computer Science Club, DC 1302
Edsger W. Dijkstra: -- Calculational Mathematics

Friday, 3 December 1999, 10:00AM - Computer Science Club, Siegfried Hall (St-Jerome's)
Edsger W. Dijkstra: -- Proofs and Programs

Friday, 3 December 1999, 3:30PM - Computer Science (Combinatorics and Optimization), MC 5158
Franz Rendl: -- Infeasible active set method for convex problems with bound constraints

Monday, 6 December 1999, 3:30PM - Computer Science (Combinatorics and Optimization), MC 5136
Siguna Muller: -- Cryptography Seminar - Selected Topics in Lucas-Based Primality Testing

Friday, 10 December 1999, 1:00PM - Computer Science (Combinatorics and Optimization), MC 5136B
Jonathan Barzilai: -- The Mathematics & Science of Measurement Theory

10. Lab Cleanup