CGL Meeting Agenda- 1999.11.17

November 17th, 1999

DC 1304
1:30 p.m.
Selina Siu P-/

Member List

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, November 24th, 1999.
1:30 p.m.
Shalini Aggarwal(November 24th) :-)
Technical presentation:
Mark Riddell (November 24th) P-/

4. Forthcoming

  1. Jason Ang (December 1st) :-)
  2. Henri Tan (December 8th)8-)
  3. Daming Yao (December 15th) 8-)
Tech Presenters:
  1. Selina Siu (December 1st) :-)
  2. Shalini Aggarwal (December 8th) :-)
  3. Jason Ang (December 15th)8-)

5. Technical Presentation

Don Dragomatz 8-)
A New Computational Paradigm for NC Programs


The current computer-controlled (NC) machining paradigm is based on carrier languages and a computational framework developed in the late 1950's. In addition to being limited in its expressive power, this paradigm is a poor match for today's rich computing environment. In this talk, I will outline a new paradigm for NC machining based on higher-level primitives and a richer computational framework. I will also outline an implementation plan and touch on some further possibilities.


6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars

Wednesday, 17 November 1999, 10:30AM - Computer Science , DC1304 Dr. Hausi A. Müller: -- Software Migration Strategies
Wednesday, 17 November 1999, 3:30PM - Computer Science (Algorithms and Complexity Group), DC 1304 Matthew Young-Lai: -- Parsing Without a Grammar

For those of you in the CUT who are interested in instructional
technologies, you may want to attend this demonstration of a product
designed recently at UW.  This demo will not count as a workshop for the
CUT, but it may give you ideas for your research paper.  If you're
interested, please feel free to attend.  No registration is required.

CD DEMO - Life Tables:  Interesting Ways of Thinking About Death

Date:   Thursday, November 18, 1999

Time:   1:30 - 2:00 p.m.

Place:  Math and Computer Building, Room 5158
        (University of Waterloo)

Demonstrators:  Pascale Proulx, and Dr. Roger Suffling

Cost:    None


Life Tables: Interesting Ways of Thinking About Death is a CD that has
been produced for Dr. Roger Suffling's ES 200 course.  The CD has sections
which use video to show the relevance of Life Tables and several field
trips.  The core section of the CD teaches students key information such
as how to calculate the columns in a Life Table.  The CD was prototyped in
IS 301A (Designing Learning Activities with Interactive Multimedia) in
Winter 1999 and was completed this past summer by two summer students.
The CD is currently being evaluated by students and experts with
improvements expected to be implemented in the new year.

This CD was highlighted in a recent UW Daily Bulletin posting.  For more
information, visit:

Teaching Resources and Continuing Education (TRACE)
University of Waterloo

10. Lab Cleanup