CGL Meeting Agenda

April 21, 1999

Josée Lajoie :)

Member List

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Celine Latulipe
Coffee hour next week:

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, April 28, 1999
Celine Latulipe 
Technical presentation:
Rick Knowles :)

4. Forthcoming

  1. Marryat Ma (May 5)
  2. Mike McCool ( May 12 ) :)
  3. Viet-Tam Luu ( May 19 ) :)
Tech Presenters:
  1. Josée Lajoie (May 5) :)
  2. Celine Latulipe  (May 12) 
  3. Marryat Ma (May 19)

5. Technical Presentation

Tim Lahey :)
Modeling Fabric Mechanical Properties


Fabric has a unique set of mechanical properties that makes it very
difficult to simulate. Therefore, a first step to the creation of
a simulation of fabric should be the creation of a model that can
reproduce these properties. This talk is an overview of these
properties, the difficulties in modeling, and a strategy for

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars

  • Graduate Student Seminar
    Combinatorics and Optimization
    Wednesday, 21 April 1999 at 3:30PM
    MC 5136
  • Hyperbolic polynomials and interior point methods for convex programming
    Hristo S. Sendov

  • Seminar
    Computer Science
    Thursday, 22 April 1999 at 10:30AM
    DC 1304
  • Adaptive Packet Routing for Bursty Adversarial Traffic
    Adi Rosen, University of Toronto

  • Seminar
    The infraNET Project
    Thursday, 22 April 1999 at 2:30PM
    DC 1302
  • Business Transformation Through E-Commerce
    Bob Fraser, Electronic Commerce Development/IBM Toronto Laboratory

  • Colloquium
    Pure Mathematics
    Thursday, 22 April 1999 at 3:30PM
    MC 5158
  • Operator Spaces, a Natural Quantization of Banach Spaces
    Prof. Z-J. Ruan, University of Illinois at Urbana

  • Master's Thesis Presentation
    Computer Science
    Friday, 23 April 1999 at 2:00PM
    DC 1331
  • Static Conflict Analysis of Transaction Programs
    Connie Zhang

  • Master's Thesis Presentation
    Computer Science
    Monday, 26 April 1999 at 10:30AM
    DC 1304
  • Better Pasting Through Quasi-Interpolation
    Blair Conrad

  • Master's Thesis Presentation
    Computer Science
    Wednesday, 28 April 1999 at 3:30PM
    DC 1304
  • Folding Orthogonal Polyhedra
    Julie Sun

  • Institute for Computer Research Seminar
    Friday, April 30, 1999 at 1:30 p.m.
    DC 1304
  • Realistic, Hardware-accelerated Shading and Lighting
    Dr. Wolfgang Heidrich, PhD
    Max Planck Institute for Computer Science
    Saarbruecken, Germany

    10. Lab Cleanup