Virtual human is an important part of a virtual environment. I have tried to build a small virtual environment with a virtual human on each computer. The system includes the following parts:
Cables (Eric, Blair) DGP visit, end of March (Ian) Alias/Side Effects talks (Mike) Individual pictures for the cgl agenda/minutes Group photo on the web page (Mark)
St. Jerome's University, Waterloo ON - Richard M. Stallman writes sophisticated computer software for free. Stallman's software is free to copy, free to redistribute, and free to change so long as the source code to all modifications is also made available for free.
On Monday, 22 February 1999 at 3:30 pm, Stallman will present "Free Software! The GNU Project" in Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome's University, University of Waterloo. Admission is free and all are welcome.
-Thursday, February 11, 1999 *NOTE DATE CHANGE*
Toniann Pitassi, Dept. Comp. Sci., University of Arizona, will speak
on ``Satisfiability and the Efficiency of
10:30-11:30 a.m.
DC 1304
The importance of the satisfiability problem (SAT) permeates all areas of computer science. In the last three decades, there has been a tremendous amount of research in trying to understand the mathematical structure of the satisfiability problem and in developing good heuristics for SAT and the complementary problem of propositional theorem proving. In fact, there is a resurgence within AI of trying to solve planning and reasoning problems by reductions to (variants of) SAT. The oldest and most well-studied class of algorthms for SAT are resolution-based, with the Davis-Putnam procedure being the most typical example.
We are motivated by trying to uncover a clean combinatorial characterization of the class of formulas exhibiting short resolution refutations. A related goal is to study specific resolution-based algorithms for SAT, and again find a clean characterization of those formulas that are efficiently decided (to be satisfiable or not) by the algorithm. In particular, exactly when will the popular Davis-Putnam procedure find a refutation efficiently? Under which distributions will various heuristics perform well? Is there a ``most efficient'' resolution-based algorithm for SAT? Obtaining strong lower bounds for resolution necessarily underlies the answers to these questions.
In this talk, we present several new and simple upper and lower bounds for Resolution for specific formulas as well as for randomly generated formulas. Many of our bounds are nearly tight, and our methods reveal that minimum clause size is an important parameter for studying proof length. This idea was used explicitly by Ben-Sassoon and Wigderson very recently to obtain simpler proofs of our results. We will also discuss the related question of whether there is a universal search algorithm for resolution.
This is joint work with Paul Beame, Richard Karp and
Mike Saks.