CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, February 3, 1999

Daming Yao 

Member List

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Eric Hall
Coffee hour next week:
Viet-Tam Luu

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, February 10, 1999
Ian Bell :-)
Technical presentation:
Daming Yao :-)

4. Forthcoming

  1. Blair Conrad :-)
  2. Bill Cowan 
  3. Erik Demaine
Tech Presenters:
  1. Ian Bell :-)
  2. Blair Conrad :-)
  3. Bill Cowan 

5. Technical Presentation

Title: Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) on 3D Triangular Meshes

Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) allows us to perform set operations on solids, including union, intersection, and difference. In this talk, the solids being used are defined using closed and oriented triangular meshes.

In ray-tracing, rendering the results of CSG operations between meshes is relatively simple, and does not involve computing a mesh that represents the result of the operation. However, for my purposes, I actually need to compute the resulting mesh, which is a non-trivial task.

I will describe my approach to the problem and present examples.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

  • Cables (Eric, Blair)
  • DGP visit, end of March (Ian)
  • Alias/Side Effects talks (Mike)
  • Individual pictures for the cgl agenda/minutes
  • Group photo on the web page (Mark)
  • 8. Director's Meeting

    9. Seminars


  •    -Thursday, February 11, 1999 *NOTE DATE CHANGE*

    Toniann Pitassi, Dept. Comp. Sci., University of Arizona, will speak on ``Satisfiability and the Efficiency of

    TIME:                10:30-11:30 a.m.
    ROOM:                DC 1304


    The  importance  of  the  satisfiability  problem (SAT) permeates  all  areas  of computer science. In the last three  decades,  there  has been a tremendous amount of research  in  trying  to  understand  the mathematical structure   of   the   satisfiability  problem  and  in developing    good   heuristics   for   SAT   and   the complementary problem of propositional theorem proving. In  fact,  there is a resurgence within AI of trying to solve  planning and reasoning problems by reductions to (variants  of)  SAT.  The  oldest and most well-studied class  of  algorthms for SAT are resolution-based, with the  Davis-Putnam  procedure  being  the  most  typical example.

    We   are   motivated  by  trying  to  uncover  a  clean combinatorial characterization of the class of formulas exhibiting short resolution refutations. A related goal is  to  study  specific resolution-based algorithms for SAT,  and  again find a clean characterization of those formulas   that   are   efficiently   decided   (to  be satisfiable  or  not)  by the algorithm. In particular, exactly  when  will  the popular Davis-Putnam procedure find    a    refutation    efficiently?   Under   which distributions  will various heuristics perform well? Is there  a  ``most efficient'' resolution-based algorithm for  SAT?  Obtaining strong lower bounds for resolution necessarily underlies the answers to these questions.

    In  this  talk, we present several new and simple upper and  lower  bounds for Resolution for specific formulas as well as for randomly generated formulas. Many of our bounds  are  nearly  tight, and our methods reveal that minimum  clause  size  is  an  important  parameter for studying  proof  length.  This idea was used explicitly by  Ben-Sassoon  and  Wigderson very recently to obtain simpler proofs of our results. We will also discuss the related question of whether there is a universal search algorithm for resolution.

    This  is  joint  work with Paul Beame, Richard Karp and Mike Saks.


  •                     - Tuesday, February 9, 1999

    Daniel  M. Berry, Computer Systems Group, University of Waterloo,  visiting  from  Faculty of Computer Science, Technion, Haifa Israel, will speak on ``Formal Methods, the Very Idea, Some Thoughts''.

    TIME:                10:30-11:30 a.m.

    ROOM:                DC 1304


    The  talk  defines  formal  methods (FMs) and describes economic  issues  involved  in  their application. From these  considerations and the concepts implicit in ``No Silver  Bullet'',  it  becomes  clear that FMs are best applied  during  requirements  engineering. A theory of why  formal  methods work when they work is offered and it is suggested that FMs help the most when the applier is most ignorant about the problem domain.

    10. Lab Cleanup