Algorithms in Computer Algebra by Prof. George Labahn Symbolic Computation Group Department of Computer Science University of Waterloo Most students in the Faculty of Math obtain an introduction to computer algebra during their first year math courses. They learn that a computer algebra system like Maple is useful for computing integrals in calculus class, determining quantities such as greatest common divisors in algebra class along with basic operations as finding a determinant of a matrix in linear algebra class. These systems are used as a supplement to what they have been taught in their classes: integrals are computed via intelligent guess work, greatest common divisors via the Euclidean algorithm and determinants most likely by Gaussian elimination (which we learn in first year computer science has complexity O(n^3) ). In this talk we will show that in fact Maple does not compute integrals via guess work, nor greatest common divisors via the Euclidean algorithm and also not determinants via Gauss elimination (which in computer algebra does not really have complexity O(n^3) ). The talk will also include a brief history of the Maple project along with some of the current activities of the Symbolic Computation Group. Wednesday, November 25th 16:30 DC 1302 Doughnaughts will be served. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constructing Evolutionary Trees by Prof. Paul Kearney In recent years there has been enormous growth in the amount of genetic information available to biologists. This data has revolutionized research inthe biological and medical sciences. One application of this data is recovering the evolutionary relationships among groups of species. This talk will present several examples of current evolutionary questions that can be addressed using genetic information and the importance of algorithmic techniques for resolving these questions. Topics covered include the interplay between computer science and biology, algorithm design and methods of algorithm assessment. Thursday November 26th 16:30 MC 4063 Doughnaughts will be served. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tuesday, December 1, 1998 The infraNET Project Distinguished Speaker Seminar "Building and Managing Large-Scale Web Sites - The France 98 World Cup Experience" David Yach, Vice President and Chief Architect Sybase, Inc. 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Davis Centre, Room 1302 Register via our web site at: call 519-888-4567 ext. 5611.
Wednesday, December 2, 1998 ICR Short Course ``Amorphous Silicon Detector Technology'' Arokia Nathan, Electrical & Computer Engineering, U. of Waterloo Contact ICR for more info/registration: Cost-$300+GST www: or 9:30 - 4:30 p.m.; DC1304
Friday, November 27, 1998 or December 4, 1998 Database Seminar "Managing Heterogeneous Schemas and Data" Renee Miller, University of Toronto 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.; DC1304 ABSTRACT Schematic heterogeneity arises when information that is represented as data under one schema, is represented within the schema (as metadata) in another. Schematic heterogeneity is an important class of heterogeneity that arises frequently in integrating legacy data for data warehousing applications. Traditional query languages and view mechanisms are insufficient for reconciling and translating data between schematically heterogeneous schemas. Higher order query languages, that permit quantification over schema labels, have been proposed to permit querying and restructuring of data between schematically disparate schemas. We extend this work by considering how these languages can be used in practice with minimal extensions to existing query processing engines. Specifically, we consider the problem of using higher order views to answer queries in a heterogeneous environment. We give conditions under which a higher order view is usable for answering a query and provide query translation algorithms. We show how our solutions permit schema global information systems. This is on-going work with Laura Haas and the Garlic Heterogeneous Database group >from IBM Almaden Research Labs.