CGL Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, October 28, 1998

Celine Latulipe:-)

Member List

Attendance: Shalini Aggarwal, Blair Conrad, Patrick Gilhuly, Eric Hall, Jan Kautz, Rick Knowles, Tim Lahey, Celine Latulipe, Viet-Tam Luu, Marryat Ma, Stephen Mann, Michael McCool, Dan Milgram, Liddy Olds, Paulo Ramos, Mark Riddell, Selina Siu, Ian Stewart, Daming Yao

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week: Steve's making Pumpkin ice cream and Paulo is bringing something else.
Coffee hour next week: Mark Riddell

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, November 4, 1998
DC 1304
Josée Lajoie:-)

Technical presentation:
Celine Latulipe:-(

4. Forthcoming

  1. Viet-Tam Luu (November 11th) :-(
  2. Marryat Ma (November 18th) :-(
  3. Steve Mann (November 25th) :-(
Tech Presenters:
  1. Josée Lajoie (November 11th) :-(
  2. Viet-Tam Luu (November 18th) :-(
  3. Marryat Ma (November 25th) :-(

5. Technical Presentations

Tim Lahey :-)
Title: Fabric Mechanical Behaviour and Computational Models
Fabric behaviour has been a topic of study in textile engineering since 1930. In order to develop accurate simulations of fabric, this body of knowledge combined with the knowledge of tailors and pattern drafters should be used in the development of computational models of fabric. However, most of the models used in computer graphics do not use this knowledge. This presentation examines some of the textile engineering research and contrasts it with some of the computer graphics models of fabric. In particular, models by Baraff and Witkin, and Breen, House, and Wozny are examined.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

Steve reported that we are getting a CD-ROM burner and also new memory for one of the PCs.

9. Seminars

10. Lab Beautification