Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, September 9, 1998
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30
- Chair:
- Erik Demaine
Member List
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
- Coffee hour this week:
- Dan Milgram
- Coffee hour next week:
- Any volunteers?
3. Next meeting
- Date:
- Wednesday, September 16, 1998
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30
- Chair:
- Ed Dengler
- Technical presentation:
- Blair Conrad
4. Forthcoming
- Chairs:
- Ed Dengler (September 16th)
- Patrick Gilhuly (September 23rd)
- Eric Hall (September 30th)
- Tech Presenters:
- Blair Conrad (September 16th)
- Ed Dengler (September 23rd)
- Patrick Gilhuly (September 30th)
5. Technical Presentations
- Presenter:
- Shalini Aggarwal
- Title:
- An Image-Based Realistic Lens Model for Interactive Computer Graphics
- Abstract:
- Accurate simulations of real lenses at interactive rates have many
applications including photorealistic rendering, augmented reality, and
virtual studios. In the past, accurate models have used ray tracing which
results in high rendering costs, making them impractical to use for
interactive computer graphics. More recently, Heidrich et al. have
proposed an image-based lens model which will be presented in detail.
This model is capable of realistically simulating the geometry and
radiometry of real lenses at interactive rates. Essentially this involves
using image-based rendering techniques which effectively employ hardware,
and therefore require significantly reduced computational resources.
6. General Discussion Items
Not even one.
7. Action List
- DGP Visit: Ian Stewart
- New Lamps: Bill and Celine
8. Director's Meeting
Any exciting news? Any unexciting news?
9. Seminars
- Ongoing: Meet new grad students
- Computer Science Potluck Picnic
Friday September 11, 1998 -- 4:30pm until dark
at the Picnic Pavillion near Westmount entrance
- ICR short
``You should register early as space is limited.''
- Practical Performance Analysis and Modeling (September 29)
-- by Johnny Wong
- Data Security and Electronic Commerce (October 28-29)
-- by Gordon Agnew
- Pattern Recognition: Theories and Applications (November 18-19)
-- by Li Deng
- Amorphous Silicon Detector Technology (December 2)
-- by Arokia Nathan
10. Lab Beautification